A harrowing incident occurred in the Bay Area of California when a driver lost control of her Tesla Model X and went on a shocking journey. This adventurous ride involved flying over a swimming pool and crashing straight into a house’s kitchen. The driver, a 70-year-old woman, and her 40-year-old daughter, who was the passenger, fortunately remained unharmed. Let’s dive into the details of this remarkable incident.

The commotion unfolded when the driver lost control of her Tesla Model X, veered off-course, and hit a curb. The impact propelled the EV an incredible 40 to 50 feet through the air. Spectacular photographs document the astonishing sight of the Tesla soaring over the front yard and swimming pool before ultimately smashing into the kitchen of a residence in the city of San Mateo.

Upon receiving distress calls, local police and fire departments promptly arrived at the scene on Murphy and Ashwood Drive. The collision left the house’s front wall in ruins, but fortunately, no one was inside at the time. Remarkably, both the driver and her daughter emerged from the accident unscathed. Authorities are currently conducting a thorough investigation into the incident.

It has been revealed that the driver, who chooses to remain anonymous, was unfamiliar with the Tesla Model X and had not driven any vehicle in approximately a year. Officials have not yet established the cause of the collision or the precise speed at which the car was traveling before it careened through the brick wall. Witnesses recall seeing the Tesla slowing down slightly before suddenly accelerating. Meanwhile, the police clarified that the car was heading downhill but not in self-driving mode.

Meredith Donato, the homeowner’s daughter who rushed to the scene, expressed her relief that no one was injured in the crash. She recognized that had her mother been in the kitchen at the time, the outcome could have been tragic. Donato’s outlook remains positive despite the property damage, asserting that material possessions pale in comparison to the safety of human lives.

As the investigation continues, authorities aim to shed more light on the incident. For now, we can only marvel at the extraordinary series of events that led to a Tesla flying over a swimming pool and crashing into a house.