July 22 marked the 10th birthday of the future king of Britain, Prince George. The young Prince’s parents make sure he and his brothers understand how significant their responsibilities will be in the days to come, even if it may be many, many years before he is crowned.

Because of William and Kate, who show them how to work hard, get out with friends, and appreciate their privilege whether they like it or not, George, Charlotte, and Louis’ lives are as normal as they can be despite the fact that they are royalty.

The three siblings are currently students at the elite Lambrook school where they study classes, participate in a variety of sports, and learn how to take care of animals.

“[Prince William and Princess Kate] want George, Charlotte, and Louis to be very aware of the privileged way in which they are growing up,” says royal authority Jennie Bond. Have a proper sense of compassion, responsibility, and empathy, advises OK! Magazine.

“It has a lot of Diana’s parenting characteristics. They want them to appreciate their good fortune and not take anything for granted.

Now when it comes to George’s birthday, just like any royal birthday, his was a pretty much secretive. 

“They’ve always been intensely secretive and private about his birthday,” royal commentator Duncan Larcombe told Fox. “They’ve never released anything… in terms of a birthday party, and what they do is shrouded in secrecy.”

“We are starting to see [George] a lot more in public these days, but they’re still very keen on keeping him private property rather than public property,” he added.

“His parents have been incredibly hands-on, and they’ve followed a very similar upbringing Kate would have had with two siblings, a close-knit family. They’re focusing very much on the value of the family. They’ve built quite a unique family unit.”

Besides all the chefs who work at the Palace, it is Kate who always makes her children’s birthday cakes. “I love making the cake,” Kate revealed on A Berry Royal Christmas in 2019. “It’s become a bit of a tradition that I stay up ’til midnight with ridiculous amounts of cake mix and icing, and I make far too much. But I love it.”

As the tradition goes, a new photo of George was posted by the Palace. This time, however, the photo wasn’t taken by Kate as usual but by Millie Pilkington, who also took George’s photo on his fifth birthday. 

The young Prince poses on the stairs at Windsor wearing a checked shirt and trousers. He has a huge smile on his face and looks as adorable as always. 

Among those who presented Prince George with a birthday gift is Julia Samuel, one of Princess Diana’s closest friends. She always tends to keep one of Diana’s traditions alive and that’s buying “impossible toys” which take days to assemble. “I do to George what [Diana] did to us, which is give impossible toys that are really noisy and take a lot of making,” Julia Samuel said. “William then has to spend days putting together. And then put all the machinery together, and it makes awful tooting noises and lights flashing and all of that.”

Samuel added that William struggled for days, which brought the rest of the family great pleasure, especially “cheeky” George.

“[It] makes [her] laugh, and it makes George laugh,” Julia added, saying that George is one “amazing” boy. Speaking of the young Prince, Samuel said “He’s funny and feisty and cheeky, and God [Diana] would have loved him so much.” 

As expected, the number of cards and birthday wishes George received was huge. 

“Happy Birthday to Prince George!” the post on the official Instagram of the Royal Family read. 

What many couldn’t help but notice is that Harry and Meghan didn’t wish George a happy birthday publicly, although it’s not certain whether they sent their congratulations privately on Saturday. 

Fans of the royals argued that the Sussexes should have wished George a happy birthday through the social media, but at the same time, they agreed that no royal has posted any birthday messages to Harry and Meghan’s children, Archie and Lilibet, in the last few years. 

In his all-tell memoir Spare, Harry wrote of the joy he felt when George was born. However, he wasn’t invited to spend as much time as he wanted and expected around him. “I took it for granted that I would be invited to their house at any moment. But the days went by, and it didn’t happen,” Harry wrote in Spare. “I understand, I thought. They’re busy! Building a family! Or maybe… three’s a crowd. Maybe if I get married things will change.”

People weren’t happy with Harry involving his nephew in whatever issues he and William faced and according to the Daily Express’s royal expert Angela Epstein, Harry might have “overlooked the damage he could do” to George.

“So given the way tragedy arced his young life, surely Harry’s concern for his own nephew, George, would be a matter of auto-fill. As the doting and fun-loving uncle, Harry has always displayed affection for his brother’s three young children,” Epstein said.

“So the possibility that George, as second in line to the throne, could be harmed in any way by the Duke’s rage against the monarchy should surely be a concern to him.”