Hands up, I snore. And not just a gentle purr, but a full-on ground-shaking double bass. It’s embarrassing for me and disruptive for my poor husband. We’ve tried everything to solve the problem, from taping my mouth shut to him pinching my nose. But nothing worked. So, we finally made the difficult decision to sleep in separate rooms.

You see, men are expected to snore. It’s considered annoying but even somewhat manly. But as a woman, I always felt like I needed to apologize for my snoring. It seemed to go against the delicate and graceful image that was expected of me.

I remember when I was growing up, my parents slept in separate rooms and I assumed it was because their marriage was falling apart. But now, I realize it was probably because of my dad’s snoring. It’s funny how our perceptions change over time.

Hands up, I snore. Not a gentle purr, either, but a full-on ground-shaking double bass, writes Susannah Constantine

But snoring isn’t just a nuisance for your partner. It can also greatly affect your own sleep quality. In fact, chronic snoring can increase the risk of serious health conditions like stroke, heart attack, and diabetes. It may even be a symptom of sleep apnea, a condition where you momentarily stop breathing during sleep.

As a 61-year-old woman, my nightly sleep has been reduced to just four hours. I constantly feel exhausted, and I’ve had enough of pretending to be okay with it. I want to improve my sleep and put an end to my snoring.

I’ve tried all sorts of remedies, from nose plasters to mouth guards, from special pillows to weighted blankets. But none of them seemed to work for me. The only thing that had some effect was taping my mouth shut. It made me breathe through my nose and sleep more deeply. However, I somehow learned to snore through my nose and the problem returned.

It was time for me to seek expert help. I wanted to undergo a scientific sleep evaluation to identify any underlying issues. So, I decided to visit the Longevity Health & Wellness Hotel in Portugal, where they offer a Sleep Optimization Program that promises comprehensive solutions through diagnosis and regenerative therapies.

My parents always slept in separate rooms and, as a teenager, I assumed it was because their marriage was on the rocks. But now I think it far more likely that my dad's snoring was to blame

At the hotel, I underwent various tests to eliminate potential causes of my snoring and sleep disturbances. Fortunately, my general health was good, but it was clear that my spine and jaw alignment played a role in my sleep issues. I discovered that certain lifestyle factors, like exercising too close to bedtime and consuming carbs and alcohol, can also disrupt sleep.

During my stay, I learned valuable insights and received personalized treatment and meal plans from doctors and nutritionists. I also tried techniques like Yoga Nidra, a guided meditation that helps the body relax and transition into sleep. It was a training process, but I noticed some improvements in my sleep quality.

However, I still woke up feeling tired, so I decided to get tested for sleep apnea. The results confirmed that I had a mild form of obstructive sleep apnea, which explained my snoring and the brief pauses in my breathing during sleep. I now plan to explore treatment options, such as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, to keep my airway open during sleep.

Though my journey to better sleep is ongoing, I’m grateful for the support and guidance I received at the Longevity Health & Wellness Hotel. I now have the knowledge and tools to make positive changes in my lifestyle and finally get the restful night’s sleep I deserve.

The Longevity Health and Wellness Hotel offers a 7-Day Sleep Optimization Program for £3,928. It’s an investment in your sleep and overall well-being. And remember, you’re never too old to prioritize your sleep and take care of yourself.

Sten has to spend the night kicking me quiet. I wake him, he wakes me - and by morning we are both bleary-eyed, with murder on our minds.