Valerie Bertinelli, a well-known actress, is not shy about discussing her mental health and the impact of “hidden bruises” in her life. In a candid video posted on Instagram on February 12, 2023, Bertinelli takes her followers on a walk while sharing her thoughts.

In the video, as she walks, there is a distinct swishing sound coming from her jeans rubbing together. With a playful giggle, she explains, “I had a small, hidden bruise activated today. My jeans are rubbing together, creating this particular sound, so you can probably hear them.” It becomes clear that the noise is symbolic of a deeper issue Bertinelli has faced.

She reveals that she had “stopped wearing” these pants because of the hurtful remarks made by an ex-partner who mocked her for the swishing sound. According to Bertinelli, he would often comment that she wouldn’t have that noise if she were more active and lost weight. But now, things have changed.

Bertinelli goes on to explain the meaning behind her reference to a “hidden bruise.” She describes it as the emotional, verbal, and mental abuse that leaves invisible scars and wounds. These bruises may not be physically visible, but their impact can be just as profound.

However, she emphasizes that she is actively working on healing and finding joy in the process. With a sense of empowerment, she states, “I put these jeans in storage for good. After working to cure my concealed bruise, I can now wear them, hear that sound, and to me, that sound represents freedom.”

Despite her fears of judgment, Bertinelli bravely shares this video because she believes in the power of moving on, healing, and finding strength in our shared experiences. She addresses her audience, saying, “Welcome to my tribe. I am merely another member who understands.”

The outpouring of support and positivity in the comments section is heartwarming. One comment highlights the non-linear nature of healing, stating, “Healing isn’t linear, but look at you! You’re prospering and surviving.” Others express gratitude for Bertinelli’s openness and how her story resonates with their own struggles.

Valerie Bertinelli’s journey to overcome hidden bruises is an inspiration to many. Her video encourages viewers to reflect on their own experiences and ask themselves if they can relate to the concept of hidden bruises. Have you ever had hidden bruises? And have you ever worn pants that made a swishing sound as you walked? Share your thoughts and experiences below.

To learn more about Valerie Bertinelli’s quest for healing, watch the inspiring video below: