It’s that time of year again, graduation season, where commencement speakers share their words of wisdom. And one particular valedictorian has taken the internet by storm with her heartfelt speech. Lydia Owens, the valedictorian of Woodmont High School in Piedmont, South Carolina, fearlessly incorporated her faith into her speech, capturing the attention of many.

In her speech, Owens opened up about a personal hardship she faced and how she overcame it to reach her current achievements. “You are so much more than how well you perform,” she emphasized. Owens went on to challenge her classmates, asking them what happens when their identity is solely based on their achievements. “What happens when you fail? What happens when you face financial struggles or loneliness?” These thought-provoking questions resonated with the audience.

Owens attributes her strong faith to her mother, who served as her inspiration. “She’s the reason I have such a strong faith. She exemplified what it means to be a Godly woman and to love others wholeheartedly,” Owens shared. Losing her mother drastically changed her perspective on success, realizing that placing her worth solely on academic achievements meant very little in the grand scheme of things.

Personally, I found Lydia’s speech to be incredibly refreshing and impactful. It offered a unique perspective on the notion of success and shed light on the immense pressure we often place on ourselves. Success goes beyond worldly achievements; it encompasses our spiritual journey and how we treat those around us.

“That was a terrific speech. I pray that everyone who heard this young lady realizes that God is our life, and we must pursue both.” – Dave T. Lambert

Dave T. Lambert’s comment perfectly captures the sentiment shared by many who were moved by Lydia’s faith-based commencement speech. It serves as a reminder that while worldly success is important, it should never overshadow our spiritual growth and love for one another.