The reality show “Sister Wives” has been struck by a devastating tragedy as Garrison Brown, son of Janelle and Kody Brown, has taken his own life. The autopsy report concludes that he died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. It is a heartbreaking loss that has left the Brown family and their fans in deep sorrow.

The report also revealed that alcohol poisoning played a part in Garrison’s untimely passing, with his blood alcohol level measuring a staggering .307%. This is more than three times the legal limit, shedding light on the struggles he may have faced.

Janelle, Garrison’s mother, turned to Instagram to share the heart-wrenching news and expressed her profound sadness. She described Garrison as a radiant presence in their lives and requested privacy as they navigate this painful journey. Kody, Garrison’s father, echoed similar sentiments on his own Instagram account. The entire family is devastated by the loss of their beloved son, and they are mourning his passing as they try to come to terms with their grief.

The Flagstaff Police received a report of a death at Garrison’s home, and it was his brother Gabriel who discovered the tragic scene. While foul play is not suspected, the police’s Criminal Investigations Division is conducting a thorough investigation to uncover any further details surrounding this heartbreaking incident.

The Brown family received condolences from TLC, the network that airs “Sister Wives.” The show follows the polygamist lives of the Brown family, including Kody, Janelle, Meri, Christine, and Robyn, along with their numerous children. Currently, Robyn is the only wife who maintains a relationship with Kody, while his relationship with some of his children remains strained.

Garrison and Kody had a difficult relationship for several years, which caused concerns for Janelle about her sons’ mental health and the lack of connection with their father. Sadly, their relationship did not improve with time, and Kody admitted to being out of touch with Garrison and Gabriel for quite some time. Although this situation deeply saddened him, he acknowledged that the door for communication with his sons was closed.

The loss of Garrison Brown is a heartbreaking blow not only for the Brown family but also for the entire “Sister Wives” community. During this difficult time, the family kindly requests privacy as they grieve and honor Garrison’s memory.