Tragic and horrifying news emerged from Paris as the lifeless body of a missing schoolgirl was discovered in a shocking manner, confined within a suitcase. The grim discovery revealed distressing details, including throat lacerations and enigmatic numerical markings found on the victim’s remains.

CCTV footage has now surfaced, capturing the last known interaction between the child and a female suspect, who later drew attention from local residents due to her seemingly erratic behavior.

In response to this gruesome incident, authorities have apprehended multiple individuals as part of the ongoing murder investigation. The young victim, aged 12, was last seen around 3:20 pm on Friday, only to have her body tragically located at approximately 11:30 pm that same night.

After the schoolgirl failed to return home from school, her worried parents promptly notified the authorities about her disappearance that evening.

As the investigation unfolded, several suspects were apprehended, among them a woman who was previously unknown to the victim’s parents. CCTV footage revealed her presence inside the family residence earlier that afternoon, alongside the child. Additionally, a man who discovered the suitcase containing the victim’s body on a nearby street was also taken into custody, as reported by local media outlet BFMTV. The involvement of these individuals in the tragic incident is being thoroughly examined by law enforcement.

According to residents who provided information to the outlet, they witnessed the woman depicted in the CCTV footage entering the building and departing with a suitcase that seemed difficult for her to carry, all the while displaying erratic behavior. They further mentioned that the woman engaged in conversations with several individuals and even went across the street to purchase a croissant, seemingly unaffected by the distressing events.

Tragically, the young girl was discovered inside the suitcase, bound and with significant injuries to her throat, several hours later that night on rue d’Hautpoul in the 19th arrondissement of northeastern Paris.

The report also noted that the numbers “1” and “0” were found intentionally positioned on the victim’s body, rather than being drawn on with a marker or through scarification. These unsettling details contribute to the gravity of the case and the mystery surrounding the circumstances of her tragic demise.

Following the discovery of the tragic incident, authorities initiated investigations after uncovering evidence of a kidnapping and struggle in the basement of the building, as reported by Fox News and Sky News.

Heartbreakingly, prior to learning about her daughter’s untimely death, the victim’s mother shared an image of the female suspect on her Facebook page, appealing for help in locating her missing child.

The devastating news was conveyed to the family at approximately 2 am on Saturday, adding to their unimaginable grief.

While reports suggest that the girl likely died due to asphyxiation, the exact cause of her death remains unknown. The ongoing murder investigation continues as authorities work diligently to uncover the truth behind this heinous act.