Vladimir Putin is allegedly imprisoning thousands of Ukrainians in “Nazi-style ghettos” where people are “forced to work or fight” in the ongoing battle.

Investigators in Ukraine discovered that the Russian military is detaining thousands of Ukrainian people in filtration camps around the war-torn country, in a horrifying development that comes more than 14 months after Putin first invaded Ukraine in February 2022.

According to a recent report by the Sun, Ukrainian human rights official Lyudmyla Denisov has revealed that a significant number of Ukrainian civilians being held in the “Nazi-style” filtration camps by Putin’s forces are suffering and dying from diseases such as Tuberculosis, making their situation even more dire and alarming.

Denisov further explains that those who are deported to the filtration camps have their fingerprints and documents recorded before being transported on trains to isolated parts of Russia.

The civilians who are kept at these camps are then allegedly crammed into makeshift tents and empty buildings, where they are coerced into working for the Russian authorities or fighting for Russia against their own country, compounding the injustice of their situation.

The Russian news agency TASS has claimed that they have “rescued” those who were allegedly being held at the filtration camps and that they are providing them with “three meals per day” as well as “round-the-clock” medical care.

However, this account contradicts the reports of Ukrainian human rights officials, who claim that the civilians are being held against their will in substandard conditions and forced to work or fight for Russia.

The truth of the matter remains unclear, and it is difficult to verify the accuracy of either side’s claims.

Contrary to the claims made by the Russian news agency TASS, recent reports from Ukrainian intelligence indicate that the civilians being held in the filtration camps are not being adequately cared for.

According to these reports, the detainees are receiving only one meal per day, and the conditions within the camps are squalid and unsanitary, with diseases such as tuberculosis reportedly spreading unchecked.

These reports paint a disturbing picture of the plight of the thousands of Ukrainian civilians who are allegedly being held against their will in the filtration camps.

Leaked documents reportedly reveal that once the protests have subsided, the Russian authorities plan to implement a campaign of “door-to-door terror,” with the FSB taking the lead in detaining people in their homes during curfew hours and transferring them to Russian territories, including concentration camps.

The leaked emails suggest that the aim of this operation is to quell any remaining protests and dissent.

The news of the “Nazi-style ghettos” came to light around the same time that the International Criminal Court issued a warrant for Putin’s arrest in connection to the alleged mass deportation of Ukrainian children from their homes in Ukraine to Russia.

This development further highlights the severity of the situation and the urgent need for action to protect the human rights of those affected by the conflict.