Known as “the Hurricane,” Julia Hawkins is not your average elderly woman. At the age of 107, she has shattered records and defied expectations. In November 2021, at the Louisiana Senior Games, Julia set a new world record for the fastest 100-meter run in the 105+ years category. And she shows no signs of slowing down!

When Julia turned 100, one of her children suggested she try the 100-yard dash in under 100 seconds. Determined and unyielding, she accomplished the challenge with ease. Five years later, Julia aimed to complete the dash in under a minute at the 2021 Louisiana Senior Games. Although the weather conditions were challenging, she completed it in just over 62 seconds. “I have done much better than that,” she admitted.

What made the race even more special was the support from her old students who cheered her on from the sidelines. “At that race, I had three different children from three different schools where I taught. They’re now 90 years old. That tells you how old I am,” she fondly shared. It was a heartwarming reunion that highlighted the impact of her teaching career.

While Julia didn’t achieve her goal of running the dash in under a minute, she secured the title for the fastest 100-meter dash and broke the world record in the 105+ years category. Her family couldn’t be prouder of her outstanding achievement. “Well, I knew it was a possibility because there are not that many older people doing things like this,” she revealed. Her competitive spirit and athleticism set her apart.

But Julia’s life isn’t solely focused on running. She finds joy in gardening and cherishes the time she spends with her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Her love story with her late husband, Murray Hawkins, is also one for the books. They got married eight years after meeting, and their wedding took place over the phone. Murray was in Pearl Harbor during the bombing, and they sought permission for a telephone wedding, a rarity at that time. It was a unique bond that lasted for 70 beautiful years.

As Julia continues to age gracefully, she imparts her wisdom to others. She encourages everyone to seek out “magic moments” in life – those rare instances that take your breath away. “Magic moments are something you see that you hadn’t seen often before. Like a sunrise that was especially pretty, or a sunset or a shooting star,” she explained. These extraordinary occurrences are worth witnessing, and they don’t require wealth or fortune. They only demand curiosity and a watchful eye.

Julia Hawkins is an inspiration to us all. Her unyielding spirit, determination, and zest for life ignite a fire within us. Let’s celebrate her remarkable journey and honor her achievements.

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