Dean Wharmby, a professional bodybuilder with an enviable physique, lived a captivating life. However, his journey took a dark turn due to his unhealthy lifestyle choices. Despite his athletic appearance, Dean consumed at least 10,000 calories a day to sustain his muscle mass. His diet primarily consisted of fast food and 7-8 cans of energy drinks daily. Unfortunately, Dean’s body paid a high price when he was diagnosed with liver cancer.

Dean suspected that his excessive consumption of food and energy drinks contributed to his disease. Further investigations revealed another significant detail that potentially played a part in his cancer development.

Dean Wharmby, hailing from Manchester, UK, was not just a bodybuilder, but also a fitness enthusiast and personal trainer. To build his massive physique, Dean consumed a diet typically consisting of eggs, chicken, and protein shakes. However, some of his habits veered towards the unconventional.

His daily routine included consuming a McDonald’s meal as an afternoon snack, eating pizza on his way home, and indulging in large dinners prepared by his girlfriend. In addition to his substantial food intake, Dean lifted heavy weights at the gym regularly, which contributed to his sheer size.

However, one fateful day, Dean’s body succumbed to the strain. He began experiencing a series of health problems, leading to the discovery of liver tumors. His cancer diagnosis in 2010 prompted a complete lifestyle overhaul. Dean made drastic changes such as eliminating energy drinks, processed junk food, red meat, and sugar from his diet. He opted for natural remedies and vitamins instead of chemotherapy and radiation, even turning down offers for a liver transplant. Gradually, he started shedding weight, but his determination to fight remained unwavering.

Dean firmly believed that his diet played a significant role in his development of cancer. He acknowledged the potential harm of energy drinks and impurities found in red meats. While some experts express skepticism about a direct link between energy drinks and liver cancer, it is essential to consider various factors, including individual chemical compositions and predisposing factors of the products consumed.

Dean’s cancer diagnosis also shed light on other concerning factors. Suspicions arose that Dean was using steroids, an assertion confirmed by his partner, Charlotte Rigby. Dean admitted to having used anabolic steroids in the early stages of his bodybuilding career.

After 20 years of bodybuilding, Dean witnessed a glimmer of hope when his tumor disappeared in 2011, thanks to changes in his diet and vitamin intake. However, Dean slipped back into his old lifestyle, leading to his collapse outside the gym in 2013. Though he quickly recovered, 2015 marked a downhill spiral for him. He faced relationship troubles, experienced homelessness, and saw the return of his cancer. Given the size of the tumor, his chances of survival were slim. Tragically, Dean passed away in July 2015.

According to coroner Lisa Hashmi, Dean’s use of anabolic steroids had a direct link to his untimely death. This serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of doping and steroid use.

Throughout his battle with cancer, Dean shared his story on his Facebook page called ‘Dean’s Journey,’ with Charlotte Rigby’s support. Although his physical journey has come to an end, Dean’s strength and resilience continue to inspire others.

The heartbreaking story of Dean Wharmby reminds us that no one deserves to endure such hardship. It serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of doping and anabolic steroid abuse. Let us learn from Dean’s experiences and prioritize our health and happiness. Share this article with your loved ones, emphasizing the importance of making informed lifestyle choices.