There are certain phrases that can make our hearts skip a beat and fill us with a sense of foreboding. One of those phrases is “I’m sorry.” It often signifies that something bad is about to happen. For Jodi Parry and her partner Matt, those two words dramatically changed their lives about six years ago. Expecting the joy of becoming parents to twin girls, they were instead met with heartbreak and uncertainty. The doctor delivered the news with sympathy in their eyes: “I’m sorry…”

Jodi and Matt already had a healthy son, Finlay, and were thrilled about expanding their family. However, life took an unexpected turn when their twin girls, Abigail and Isobel, were diagnosed with Down syndrome. Jodi had experienced a miscarriage before, but nothing could have prepared her for this news.

It wasn’t just the diagnosis itself that shook Jodi to her core, but also the way it was presented to her. The doctor’s words made it seem like their future was filled with doom and punishment. Feeling lost and confused, Jodi struggled to envision what lay ahead for her family. She feared they would be lifelong caregivers, their lives forever overshadowed by their children’s condition.

Abigail and Isobel were born prematurely and faced various health challenges. Abigail was partially deaf, while Isobel had a hole in her heart. Overwhelmed by the news, Jodi and Matt had to quickly come to terms with the reality of their situation.

Unfortunately, there was a lack of information and guidance for parents facing the journey of raising children with Down syndrome. They had to navigate this unfamiliar path on their own. The unknown terrified them. They didn’t realize that their family could lead a normal and fulfilling life together. Basic questions about their girls going to school or even talking were met with uncertainty.

The Parry family had to rely on themselves to find answers and create a future for their daughters. It was a challenging journey, but with the support and love of those closest to them, Abigail and Isobel thrived. They proved that they could live a life full of happiness, defying the prejudices and misconceptions surrounding their condition.

Reflecting on the doctor’s apology, Abigail says, “To this day, I’ll never know what he was sorry for… If I could ever meet him again, I would show him Abigail and Isobel and say, ‘Why did you say sorry? We wouldn’t change them for the world now.’”

Today, six years after their birth, Abigail and Isobel continue to challenge the prejudices of society. Their story is a testament to acceptance and the belief that every human being deserves a chance at a meaningful life. Looking at this loving family, it is clear that they are not just happy but complete.

Matt and Jodi’s experiences teach us an important lesson – happiness is within our reach, no matter the circumstances. Even when society tells us we are imperfect, we can find true happiness. Abigail and Isobel’s beautiful spirit and the joy they bring to their family prove that everyone deserves to be celebrated.

So, let the power of love guide you through life’s challenges. Embrace acceptance, defy stereotypes, and find your own path to happiness.