Ever since the news broke about the OceanGate Titan submarine and the tragic loss of its five crew members, people have been curious about what an implosion actually looks like. Interestingly, users on TikTok have taken it upon themselves to create simulations and samples of the implosion, offering a somber insight into what happened beneath the ocean’s depths.

For those who are intrigued, these videos paint a vivid picture of the events that unfolded. One particularly striking video shared by @starfieldstudio on Twitter shows the modified OceanGate submersible sinking before collapsing inward, much like a crushed soda can. The force of the water was so immense that it blew the front and back off the submersible, according to NBC News’ Armin Cate. It was like crushing a can of Coca-Cola, but on a much larger scale.

In another video by @sincerelybootz, the process of a submarine implosion is explained as being instantaneous, resulting in immediate death for anyone on board. As the hull of the submersible is crushed, the air inside heats up to temperatures similar to the surface of the sun. It is a violent and swift event, taking place in a matter of milliseconds.

However, what may bring some comfort to those who lost their loved ones on the Titan submarine is the likelihood that the crew did not suffer during the implosion. This insight could provide solace in the midst of such a heartbreaking tragedy.

But how did this all happen? It has come to light that OceanGate’s CEO, Stockton Rush, who tragically lost his life in the dive, may have disregarded warning signs about the submersible’s safety. Expert Rob McCallum had corresponded with Stockton via email, expressing concerns about the dangers involved. He urged the need for caution and conservative testing, highlighting the potential risks involved. Unfortunately, Stockton seemed to brush off these concerns, choosing to believe that the Titan was safer than many other activities, such as flying in a helicopter or scuba diving.

The recent confirmation from the US Navy reveals that immediately after the submersible lost contact, a sound indicative of an implosion was heard. Moreover, it appears that the submersible was not operating in line with international laws. It had not been registered with international agencies or classified by a maritime industry group that sets engineering standards. OceanGate claimed that this was because they believed the Titan’s design was so innovative that it would take years for inspectors to fully comprehend it, as reported by The Guardian.

With all this information coming to light, it is essential to remember the lives lost and the lessons we can learn from this tragedy. The implosion of the OceanGate Titan submarine serves as a stark reminder of the importance of safety and adherence to proper regulations in underwater exploration. Let us share this knowledge with our family and friends, as we honor the memories of those who perished in the depths of the ocean.