Only 4% of those between the ages of 5 and 19 were deemed fat or overweight in 1975. In 2016, this ratio surged to 18%, and it doesn’t appear to be decreasing. One of the more severe cases we’ve heard of involves a teenager named Khalid Mohsen Shaari, who continues to hold the record for being the heaviest youngster in the world. His experience is evidence that you may radically alter your course in life with determination.

Khalid once weighed a massive 1,345 pounds.

The young man, who was born in 1991, had been living a very alone existence because his weight prevented him from leaving his home. He hadn’t left his house in more than 2.5 years, and things may have turned out quite differently if he hadn’t gotten the assistance he need. He was weighed in August 2013 and discovered to be the second biggest person in the world and the heaviest teen.He couldn’t even get out of bed anymore and had a BMI of 204.

King Abdullah gave the order for Khalid to help.

The young man was transferred to the hospital in 2013 after the King of Saudi Arabia decided to take action in response to the situation. Khalid couldn’t have been dragged out of his flat by hand, of course, as he was too huge and hefty.Thirty members of the medical and civil defense team participated in the retrieval of the man using a specialized forklift. To get the full bed out of the house with Khalid on it, they even had to partially remove some of the house’s walls.

Khalid was brought to King Fahd Medical City in Riyadh to undergo dietary restrictions and exercise regimens. He lost more than half of his body weight (710 lbs) in just 6 months without any type of surgery by sticking to his diet. Until he could walk on his own, he was getting around in a wheelchair that was especially constructed for him. The young man’s heart and lung health had improved in 2014, and his body’s inflammation had significantly decreased.

He can now once more walk.

In 2016, a video was posted that showed Khalid walking by himself using a Zimmer frame, showing how big of a progress he had made. As a side note, the young adult also had two siblings that were also obese, but were able to walk on their own. Khalid’s case was only one of the many that the Saudi Ministry of Health had been called to assist in. They had also helped two siblings that weighed 661 pounds and 771 pounds respectively lose the excess weight.

Two years later, in 2018, a photo of the man was released where he is completely unrecognizable. He looks so much slimmer and at this point he also had a surgery in order to remove all the excess skin that resulted from his massive weight loss. It is believed that Khalid now weighsonly 150 lbs, which means that he lost 1,195 lbs.

Losing weight isn’t about being trendy or cool, it is about feeling good about ourselves and regaining our health. This is what the case of a manwho lost over 336 lbs teaches us.