As parents, we all strive to raise humble and responsible children, regardless of our financial situation. Unfortunately, growing up wealthy can sometimes lead to entitlement and a lack of appreciation for the value of money. Recently, a Reddit user shared a story about their son, Matt, who struggled with these issues.

Matt’s parents had their first child at a young age and went through their fair share of financial difficulties. However, as their circumstances improved, they were able to provide a more comfortable life for their growing family. When Matt turned 11, they made the decision to send him to a private school, thinking it would broaden his horizons and open doors of opportunity.

Little did they realize that this decision would have unintended consequences. Matt’s time at the private school seemed to have transformed him into an elitist, looking down on others who did not share the same privileges. Concerned about his entitled behavior, his parents tried various approaches to instill financial responsibility in him.

When Matt turned 16, his parents insisted that he get a part-time job to understand the value of money and the importance of hard work. Initially, it seemed to have a positive effect, as he started to realize that luxuries were not necessities and that he had to earn his own way.

However, the COVID-19 pandemic revealed that Matt’s entitlement was deeply ingrained. During a family vacation planning session, Matt overheard his parents discussing the all-expense paid trip they were going to take with their nanny, May. Shockingly, Matt objected to the idea of May having a first-class seat, arguing that their family was already paying for everything and that an economy seat should suffice.

His mother was taken aback by his selfishness and promptly scolded him. She reminded him of the sacrifices May had made for their family, having given up time with her own child to care for Matt. The mom expressed her gratitude towards May and acknowledged that providing a first-class experience was the least they could do for her.

Undeterred, Matt continued to argue his point, refusing to acknowledge his own entitlement. His mother eventually made it clear that Matt would be flying in economy class and would have to pay for an upgrade himself if he desired a first-class experience. Nevertheless, Matt remained stubborn and believed his mom was joking.

The day of the trip arrived and Matt’s disbelief turned into anger and disappointment. It dawned on him that his mom had been serious all along. In a tantrum of entitlement, Matt made a scene at the airport, complaining about the discomfort of a ten-hour flight in economy class.

His mom responded firmly, reminding him of the warnings she had given him and the opportunity he had to earn money for an upgrade. Throughout the trip, Matt remained angry and claimed that this experience had ruined the entire vacation.

While opinions on this matter may vary, it is undeniable that the mom was attempting to teach her son a valuable lesson about privilege, entitlement, and the importance of empathy for others. The internet community, in particular, commended her for her choices and even highlighted how fortunate Matt was to be allowed on the trip at all.

In situations like these, it can be challenging for parents to strike the right balance between providing for their children and teaching them about financial responsibility. So, what do you think? Do you believe the mom did the right thing? And what would you have done in her situation?