In a stunning revelation, Sylvester Stallone, the legendary actor behind the iconic character Rocky Balboa, has shared the intense physical toll he endured while filming the blockbuster hit “Rocky IV”. Stallone confessed, “He pulverized me,” referring to his co-star Dolph Lundgren, who portrayed the formidable Soviet boxer Ivan Drago.

Despite not realizing the extent of his injuries at the time, Stallone began experiencing discomfort in his chest later that night. Comparing the sensation to the impact of a car collision, where the chest is forcefully thrust against the steering wheel, Stallone’s health began to deteriorate.

“They thought I was going to be talking to angels when my blood pressure skyrocketed to 260,” Stallone revealed. Urgent measures were taken as he was swiftly flown from Canada to the intensive care unit at St. John’s Hospital in Santa Monica, California. Remarkably, Stallone described his transfer as a “low altitude flight.”

Confined to the ICU, Stallone found himself surrounded by nuns. “I’m in ICU, and the only other people here are nuns,” he shared. However, his unwavering determination fueled him to return to the arena and complete the battle.

Defying all odds, Stallone insisted on including the brutal blow to his chest in the final film. When questioned about the decision, he defiantly replied, “How could you possibly rule that out?”

In the fourth installment of the beloved “Rocky” franchise, Stallone’s portrayal of Rocky Balboa showcases his unyielding spirit. Having already proven himself as the world boxing champion, Balboa embarks on a treacherous journey to the Soviet Union after learning of the tragic fate of his dear friend Apollo Creed, played by Carl Weathers. With a steely resolve, Balboa stands ready to confront the indomitable Drago in an epic showdown.

Sylvester Stallone’s unwavering dedication and resolve epitomize the essence of a true warrior, inspiring audiences of all ages. With his remarkable journey from real-life adversity to cinematic triumph, Stallone continues to reign as a symbol of determination and perseverance.