A tragedy struck a family visiting Pennsylvania over the weekend when they were caught in a sudden flash flood. Five lives were lost, including 32-year-old Katie Seley, a South Carolina mom who bravely tried to save her two young children.

While Katie lost her life in the devastating flood, her husband, Jim Sheils, their oldest son, Jack, 4, and her 62-year-old mother, Dahlia, miraculously survived. Katie and her mother valiantly attempted to rescue the other two children, but the force of the torrent overwhelmed them.

The family, still grieving, has requested a spokesperson to speak on their behalf. They explained that they were visiting family and friends in Pennsylvania and were on their way to a barbeque when the torrent of water took them by surprise.

The family is immensely grateful for the outpouring of support from the community during this difficult time. Their strength is bolstered by the compassion, kindness, and bravery of those involved in the rescue efforts. They express their unwavering commitment to finding Conrad and Mattie, their missing children.

The flash flood was a devastating event, tearing through the streets, engulfing cars, and causing significant damage to local houses and infrastructure. The search and rescue teams had to temporarily suspend their efforts until the weather improved and the floodwaters receded.

The loss of life during this tragedy is heart-wrenching. Along with Katie Seley, four other individuals lost their lives: Enzo Depiero, Linda Depiero, Susan Barnhart, and Yuko Love. The Upper Makefield Fire Chief, Time Brewer, described the flash flood as unparalleled in his 44 years of service.

The search for Conrad, 9 months, and Mattie, 2 years old, continues. The surviving family members express their immense gratitude to those involved in the ongoing search and rescue operations. Their dedication and commitment to bringing the missing children home is deeply appreciated.

During this deeply painful period, the family respectfully requests privacy and will not be providing any further statements or answering any questions. The support and love from the community have been a source of strength, allowing them to stay strong in the face of this unimaginable tragedy.

The Sheils family extends their heartfelt thanks to everyone, from the local community to people across the nation, for their unwavering support. They recognize and acknowledge the tireless efforts of first responders and express profound gratitude for every assistance received.

Let us keep the Sheils family, as well as the families of all those affected by this devastating flash flood, in our thoughts and prayers. May they find solace and strength in the midst of this life-altering tragedy.