Sharon Osbourne, the legendary TV personality, has recently caught everyone’s attention with her stunning transformation. After losing nearly 30lbs, she looks super different – and fans can’t stop talking about it!

In a recent interview with Piers Morgan on TalkTV, Sharon, accompanied by her husband Ozzy and their children Kelly and Jack, discussed various topics. However, it was Sharon’s noticeably slimmer figure that stole the spotlight. Even though she had previously shared her intentions to shed a few pounds, she admitted to Piers, “I didn’t want to go this thin.”

The moment the clip of the Osbournes on TalkTV hit the internet, it caused quite a stir. Fans and social media users were quick to share their reactions to Sharon’s new appearance. One Twitter user even compared Sharon to a “different person,” while another expressed concern that she had become “too skinny.” Some comments suggested that Sharon and other celebrities, including Erika Jayne and Kyle, might be grappling with body dysmorphia.

The weight loss journey hasn’t been a secret for Sharon. Earlier this year, she openly shared her experiences, stating that she had gone from being over 230 pounds to being under 100 pounds. Although she now considers herself “too skinny,” she aims to maintain a healthy balance at around 105 pounds. Interestingly, Sharon mentioned to E! News that she didn’t plan to get this thin and might regain the weight soon.

However, Sharon’s transformation isn’t just about weight loss. Earlier in April, she made headlines when she announced her decision to stop undergoing plastic surgery. This revelation came after a facelift procedure in October 2021, which left her with one eye positioned lower than the other.

Describing the surgery as “horrendous,” Sharon vividly recalls her reaction upon seeing the results. “You’ve got to be f—ing joking,” she told her surgeon, highlighting the distinct difference between her eyes. This experience has instilled fear in Sharon, making her hesitant about further surgeries. She expressed her reservations, stating, “That one put me off, and it frightens me. I really f—ing pushed it with the last facelift, and I am now like, no more.”

If you’re intrigued to witness Sharon’s incredible transformation for yourself, be sure to watch the video below! Skip ahead to the 8:00 mark to catch a glimpse of Sharon’s amazing journey.