Mia Robertson, the courageous daughter of Duck Dynasty stars Missy and Jase Robertson, is mourning the loss of a man who held a special place in her heart. Dr. David Genecov, an incredible doctor who had been treating Mia for many years, tragically lost his life in a car accident last Saturday.

Missy Robertson took to Instagram to announce the heartbreaking news while Mia was undergoing surgery to repair her cleft lip and palate. She expressed how Dr. Genecov’s care and support made a significant impact on their lives.

“His caring nature helped calm her (and me), but his unwavering encouragement to both of us that we can do difficult things helped make Mia and me stronger than we could have imagined,” Missy shared.

Mia’s journey has been well-documented since she was a young child, undergoing numerous surgeries to improve her condition. In July, she had her 14th operation, which she hopes will be her final one. To ensure that every child has the opportunity to smile, Mia and her family established the Mia Moo Fund.

Missy Robertson explained that she had informed Mia about Dr. Genecov’s passing, and Mia is taking it very seriously. The family fondly remembers Dr. Genecov’s willingness to involve Mia in decision-making and his impeccable attire.

“He was more than we could have hoped or imagined for the journey her cleft would take. We will miss him greatly, but we are grateful for the work he did for Mia and all of his cleft lip and palate patients, as well as the legacy of medical breakthroughs he leaves behind for future generations,” Missy said.

Mia has not mentioned the incident on her social media accounts yet. Her mother added, “She can’t remember her life before she met Dr. David. We kindly ask that you keep his family and everyone affected by his passing in your prayers.”

Dr. Genecov’s compassion, dedication, and remarkable contributions to the field of medicine will always be cherished. Mia and her family are forever grateful for the impact he had on their lives and the legacy he leaves behind.