It’s important to keep an open mind when looking for a new house with the assistance of a real estate agent. While some homeowners use professional staging to increase the appeal of their homes, others choose a different strategy.

The interior and exterior rooms of a home must appeal to the buyer’s own preferences in order for them to see themselves living there. However, this may be difficult if a property has odd, out-of-date, or extremely particular features.

These qualities can also entail higher renovation expenditures, which would make the idea less desirable.

According to the website’s description, there is a house in the United Kingdom that seems quite tempting. The real estate agent emphasizes the home’s exceptional upkeep, calling it of “high standard.” It has four bedrooms, a master suite, a garage, and a perfectly maintained garden. Surprisingly, the property hasn’t sold though. Viewing the interior photos makes it clear why: Everything, and we do mean everything, is decorated in purple.

It might not be so horrible if the only purple paint on the walls was a small patch. After all, changing the color of the walls is simple. But in this particular house, purple is more than just a color for the walls—it infuses every element of the decor. Purple hues are present throughout the room, including the ceiling, floors, and draperies.

The closet doors in the master suite share the same striking color, making replacement more difficult than simple wall painting. Even the bathroom succumbs to the purple blitz, with detailed purple tile work and shaggy purple carpet encircling the bathtub—an odd and dubious choice for a bathroom.

The overbearing purple color scheme hasn’t been applied to the exterior of this property, which needs a total makeover. Fortunately, the abundance of purple that awaits within cannot be seen from the outside. The well-kept planted garden, which is primarily decorated in shades of green, also offers a welcome contrast. In the midst of the purple saturation, it provides a breath of fresh air.

Would you be willing to buy a house in this condition given the considerable repairs needed? Does the fact that this particular home is having trouble selling surprise you?