In the face of adversity, Naffi and Racheli Goldman refused to give up on their daughter, Batya, despite the challenging circumstances she was born into. Batya, born on January 3, 2018, was afflicted with a rare condition that resulted in skull deformity and twisted spine. Doctors, believing she had no chance of survival, labeled her as “not compatible with life.” However, her parents’ unwavering love and dedication proved otherwise.

Batya’s journey from the very beginning was nothing short of extraordinary. Struggling against the odds, she fought for survival, defying the predictions of medical professionals. In her early days, she encountered numerous obstacles, but with each challenge, she displayed an incredible strength and determination.

The first three months of Batya’s life were particularly critical, where her battle for survival intensified. Astonishingly, she experienced six instances of revival, each time emerging stronger and more resilient. However, her path was not without its difficulties. Due to her condition, Batya faced the daunting challenges of being both blind and deaf.

Racheli, Batya’s mother, bravely shared the emotional journey she went through during her pregnancy. “During the sixth month, we went for a routine scan, expecting the usual excitement of any couple anticipating the arrival of their first child. However, as the test began, we immediately sensed something was wrong,” Racheli recounted.

To their shock, the doctor informed Naffi and Racheli that their child was extremely ill and not expected to survive. They were advised to terminate the pregnancy without delay. Despite the devastating news, Batya’s parents firmly stood by their decision to give their daughter a chance at life, defying the doctor’s recommendations.

In the face of adversity and harsh criticism, Naffi and Racheli Goldman remained steadfast in their decision to embrace their daughter, Batya, with unconditional love and care. Despite doctors’ predictions and societal judgments, they chose not to terminate the pregnancy, guided by their faith and belief that every experience holds a purpose beyond human understanding.

As soon as Batya was born, she was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit and placed in an incubator. Naffi and Racheli made the selfless choice to give up their business and dedicate themselves to being by their daughter’s side day and night. After three and a half months, they were finally able to bring Batya home.

“We firmly believed that Batya deserved the same warmth and affection as any other child. Her illness didn’t change that. We were aware that this journey would be incredibly challenging and transformative,” expressed Racheli.

However, when they shared pictures of Batya on the internet, they were confronted with a wave of hurtful comments. Naffi shared their disbelief, saying, “The comments we received on our photographs were horrifying. We never anticipated the existence of such people.”

The derogatory remarks aimed at Batya were beyond cruel. People called her “ugly” and even referred to her as a “monster.” Some accused Naffi and Racheli of subjecting their child to abuse, while others made heartless comparisons.

Despite the hurtful comments and the ongoing challenges of their lives, Naffi and Racheli remain devoted parents. They firmly believe that Batya, like any other child, deserves love, affection, and a nurturing environment. Their unwavering commitment to their daughter’s well-being serves as a testament to their enduring strength and resilience.

Recognizing the immense responsibility of caring for Batya, Naffi and Racheli have devoted themselves to round-the-clock monitoring and supervision. They have established a rotating shift schedule, with Naffi taking care of Batya from midday to midnight, and Racheli assuming the night shift from midnight to midday. Their unwavering dedication stems from their deep desire to provide Batya with the highest level of care and comfort, refusing to consider any alternative that would separate them from their beloved daughter.

As a result of leaving their jobs to prioritize Batya’s needs, Naffi and Racheli have turned to the GoFundMe platform, reaching out for financial assistance. Their page aims to gather support in order to ensure Batya’s continued well-being, happiness, and longevity. Racheli expressed her gratitude, saying, “We are sincerely thankful for any help provided, as it will enable us to give Batya the care she deserves. Please consider sharing this post within your network.”

This heartfelt plea resonates with parents worldwide who find themselves raising children facing similar challenges as Batya. The strength and unwavering commitment exhibited by parents like Naffi and Racheli have a profound impact on the lives of their children, serving as an inspiration and a reminder of the boundless love that fuels their tireless efforts.