Losing a child is a devastating experience that no parent should ever have to go through. The tragic accidents, battles with cancer, or illnesses that claim the lives of young children leave families shattered and heartbroken. In this emotional journey, we share the story of Leland Shoemake, a 6-year-old boy from Williamson, Georgia.

Leland was not an ordinary child; his radiant joy, keen intelligence, and inventive spirit touched the hearts of everyone who knew him. From a young age, he displayed an incredible thirst for knowledge. By the time he was just one year old, Leland already knew his ABCs, numbers, colors, shapes, and 20 sight words. His love for learning extended to the History Channel, the Weather Channel, documentaries, and anything related to history.

But fate had other plans for Leland. In 2015, he fell ill unexpectedly and was rushed to the hospital. Doctors soon discovered that he had a brain infection caused by the amoeba Balamuthia mandrillaris. It remains unclear how Leland contracted the bacteria, but it is possible that he encountered it while playing outside.

As his condition rapidly deteriorated, Leland’s parents, Amber and Tim Shoemake, were overcome with grief. They had to say their final goodbyes to their beloved son at the hospital. When they returned home, engulfed by waves of sorrow, they discovered something on their living room table that brought them both comfort and pain.

Leland had always been known for leaving sweet notes and drawings for his parents. And in this heartbreaking moment, his parents found one last note from their beloved son. It simply read, “Stil (sic) with you… Thank you mom and dad… Love.” Leland had also drawn a red heart enclosing three words: mom, dad, and love.

This note, a small piece of Leland’s heart, provided a profound consolation to his grieving parents. It reminded them of the immense love they shared with their son and brought some solace during this unimaginable loss. As his mother said, “We have no idea when he wrote it, but you can tell he was always a special child.”

Leland’s story is both heartbreaking and inspiring. It serves as a reminder to cherish every moment with our loved ones and to value each day of our lives. Circumstances can change unexpectedly, and it is important to hold dear the memories we create with those we hold dear.

Though Leland’s life was tragically cut short, his legacy lives on. It is our hope that by sharing his story, we can bring awareness to the preciousness of life and the impact that even a young child can have on the world. Leland will always be remembered for the extraordinary little boy he was and the love he brought to those around him.