The family members and medical workers who had the privilege of being at the patient’s side in those final moments will probably never forget what they said as they lay on their deathbed.

The final words of a dying loved one have been shared on Reddit by nurses and family members, who have found them to be occasionally humorous, frequently sad, and occasionally shocking.

While many have spoken final words that were meaningful, consoling, or even cathartic, many dying breaths are just plain odd.

Maaraa_h, a different Reddit user, asked nurses what the most eerie things that individuals had said when on their deathbeds.

The post attracted a deluge of responses from nurses, doctors, and friends and relatives who were present when a loved one passed away.

Here are some of the thread’s most startling moments, including some where sufferers even admitted to murder.

Reddit user maaraa_h asked nurses about the most haunting things people have said on their deathbeds, which prompted a flood of unique responses

She was reportedly the woman’s favorite nurse, and just before she passed away, she turned to her and exclaimed, “You really are a little pipsqueak.”

User naomis16 said: ‘When I was an EMT, we arrived to find an old man who was already dead. He was on holiday with his wife and two adult children.

‘Apparently, that morning, he’d said to his family, ‘I’m going to die today.’ After he collapsed, he woke up briefly and said, ‘See? I told you I was going to die,’ before falling unconscious again and passing.’

He added that his son began to cry and said: ‘That’s dad. Always had to be right.’

On a lighter note, one nurse, u/kratomstew, told the tale of her patient passing away. 

She was apparently the woman’s favourite nurse and, right before she died, she turned to her and said: ‘You really are a little pipsqueak.’

One dying patient forced a horrible secret on a nursing home worker, as she revealed her husband had once killed a woman

User naomis16 said: ‘When I was an EMT, we arrived to find an old man who was already dead. He was on holiday with his wife and two adult children.

‘Apparently, that morning, he’d said to his family, ‘I’m going to die today.’ After he collapsed, he woke up briefly and said, ‘See? I told you I was going to die,’ before falling unconscious again and passing.’

He added that his son began to cry and said: ‘That’s dad. Always had to be right.’

On a lighter note, one nurse, u/kratomstew, told the tale of her patient passing away. 

She was apparently the woman’s favourite nurse and, right before she died, she turned to her and said: ‘You really are a little pipsqueak.’
Another amusing incident was offered by Decent_relief. He said: “My grandma’s heart rate spiked to the 220s just before she passed away.” Am I supposed to quit breathing now? she cried as the monitor began to emit various alarms.

One nursing home employee was put in an awkward situation when her favorite patient hurriedly summoned her to her room to share a secret about her despised, long-deceased spouse.

She grabbed my hand and drew me in, whispering that her husband and his friends had killed a woman and gotten away with it, the worker added.

Some say that death offers patients extreme clarity, which was the case for one woman who suffered from dementia, and who uttered her husband's name in her dying breath

The woman realized it wasn’t true when they claimed she drowned when they were on a boat.

She continued, “She was a young, pretty woman just like you,” which sent chills up the young nurse’s spine. You must exercise caution! But I had to warn you, sweetheart, lest they come for us both if you tell anyone.

Another user related a deadly incident that occurred when they were working as dietary assistants in nursing homes. The patient mentioned something that u/Wangle1979 was unable to respond to.

The assistant, who was 16 at the time he worked there, claimed to have made a friend with a WWII veteran who later passed away from a stroke.

When he came home from the hospital, he couldn’t recall anyone but me and informed me he wasn’t doing well, the man claimed. He was aware that his time was running out. He declared that it was finally time to make amends for all the terrible things he had done in Europe.

The man said, “I know where I’m going,” as he tried to persuade him to go to bed. People who have done what I have done can only go to one place.Joe, I’ve murdered so many people. It usually made no difference who it was. We entered buildings to shoot. For me, there is only one location. It is what I am due.

One user’s grandmother had the sense of clarity that many claim comes just before death.

She had endured years of severe dementia, according to Chilibean127. I found Jack, she replied as she opened her eyes.

My grandpa, Jack, had passed away eight years earlier. She claimed they were with their buddies at a ball. She said, “I have to go, he asked me to dance.” Then she vanished.