A man who appears much younger than he is revealed that he must always have his birth certificate on him.

Denis Vashurin, 35, claims that many continue to mistakenly think he is an adolescent rather than a fully grown man.

“There were times with the traffic police,” he recalled, “when the inspector was taken aback while glancing at [my] documents.

“But in the end, he has to follow the law.

“I have never in my life experienced bullying due of my appearance, but there are negative remarks and insults.

“Everyone has haters, and the majority of them are wicked and depressed individuals.

At my age, individuals react differently; some are startled but lose interest after a few minutes of conversation.

At the age of four, Denis realized something was off with his appearance.

But he had many of pals at school despite his strange impossibility to age.

Although he claims to have visited numerous hospitals in pursuit of an explanation, there has never been one; nonetheless, it has improved his quality of life.

I don’t think that happiness is any different, but the negatives can be improved.

It relies on the individual, their tenacity, and their capacity to plan their lives.

Denis now travels frequently and updates his Instagram account frequently.

Someone just asked in a comment, “Are you really 35 or are you joking?”

As someone yelled, “Benjamin Button!”

Denis gained notoriety two and a half years ago following his first appearance-related interview, during which time his name spread swiftly over the globe.

He now spends most of his leisure time traveling, hiking, driving, and hanging out with his partner.

She has never been fixated on my age or appearance, he continued.

“I don’t think anyone wants to get old, and I feel the same way, but I’ve come to terms with it through time.

“Health is more important than looks; however, nature is such that everything and everyone has their time.”