Tourists on the Romanian coast were recently treated to an unexpected sight as they strolled along the beach. Emerging from the depths of the sea, a wounded dolphin was brought to shore by the gentle waves. The onlookers were shocked at the sight of the injured mammal, and efforts were made to save it. However, despite their best intentions, the dolphin’s injuries were too severe, and it had no chance of survival.

Experts have identified the dolphin as a member of the Delphinus Delphis species, commonly known as the common dolphin. This species is one of three marine mammals found in the Black Sea, alongside the bottlenose dolphin and the harbor porpoise.

The Black Sea dolphins exhibit distinct characteristics and have different dietary preferences. While the bottlenose dolphin and harbor porpoise mainly feed on fish and other benthic organisms, the common dolphin’s diet consists of fish and organisms found in the water column.

Each species of dolphin also prefers specific habitats. The bottlenose dolphin and harbor porpoise are predominantly found in coastal areas, while the common dolphin is usually encountered in offshore zones.

The common dolphin can be recognized by its bluish-gray to brown color on the dorsal side, with a V-shaped light lateral boundary. It has a pigmented band that connects the lower jaw to the insertion of the pectoral fins, and its dorsal, pectoral, and caudal fins are black to gray-brown.

In the Black Sea, the common dolphins have a maximum size of 2 meters for males (177 cm) and 159 cm for females. They are highly sensitive to chemical and acoustic pollution. These dolphins often gather in groups of 10-15 individuals, as well as in pairs or as isolated individuals. With their remarkable swimming abilities, they can reach speeds of approximately 50 km/h and dive to depths of up to 70 meters.

Common dolphins reach sexual maturity at the age of 2 years, and their gestation period lasts for 10 months. Mothers exhibit highly developed maternal instincts, and the calves are weaned at 4 months of age. These dolphins have an estimated lifespan of 25-30 years.

Their main diet consists of small pelagic fish such as sprat, anchovy, and gobies, as well as crustaceans. However, they have been found to consume other species like horse mackerel, cod, bluefish, red mullet, sea bass, shrimp, and mollusks. On average, they consume around 10 kg of food per day.

It is unfortunate that this particular common dolphin could not be saved, but its presence serves as a reminder of the diverse and fragile marine life that inhabits our seas. As we continue to enjoy our coastal areas and explore the wonders of the ocean, let us also strive to protect and preserve these magnificent creatures for future generations to marvel at.