In 2019, “Baby India” was discovered crying and drenched in blood, with the umbilical cord still attached, in a wooded region in Georgia.

During a recent press conference, the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office announced the arrest and charges filed against Karima Jiwani, the mother of a newborn who was discovered wrapped in a plastic bag in Georgia four years ago. The charges include criminal attempt to commit murder, aggravated assault, reckless abandonment, and cruelty to children in the 1st Degree, among others.

According to the police, Jiwani allegedly left the infant, known as “Baby India,” in a wooded area on June 6, 2019. The baby was found crying, covered in blood, and still connected to the umbilical cord by a man who heard the cries from his home and alerted emergency responders.

Sheriff Ron Freeman, during the press conference, expressed his determination to bring the responsible person to justice, stating that it took four years to achieve that goal. He revealed that investigators made a breakthrough approximately 10 months ago when they utilized advanced DNA techniques to identify Baby India’s biological father. This step enabled them to pursue the investigation further and determine the circumstances surrounding the abandonment.

Sheriff Freeman mentioned that evidence suggested Jiwani had driven for a considerable amount of time with the newborn in her car after giving birth. He also noted that she made no attempt to leave the child in a place where the baby could be easily found.

During the press conference, Sheriff Ron Freeman mentioned that interviews with Jiwani’s family and friends uncovered a history of hidden and concealed pregnancies, as well as unexpected births. It was alleged that Jiwani had prior knowledge of her pregnancy for a significant period and went to great lengths to conceal it.

Sheriff Freeman emphasized that there was no evidence suggesting the child’s father was aware of the pregnancy or the subsequent abandonment of the baby.

Expressing his dismay, Sheriff Freeman described the harrowing situation, stating that the child had been tied up in a plastic bag and discarded in the woods, akin to a bag of trash. He expressed his profound sadness, remarking that it was one of the most heart-wrenching scenes he had encountered.

On a positive note, Sheriff Freeman commended the Forsyth County community for uniting and providing assistance to the child during this distressing ordeal.

Sheriff Freeman acknowledged the remarkable support and compassion shown by the Forsyth County community in response to Baby India’s abandonment. He highlighted the collective effort to provide the child with love, care, and prayers, stepping in when her biological parent failed to fulfill their responsibilities.

While Sheriff Freeman did not provide specific updates on Baby India’s present circumstances, he reassured the public that she is currently in a safe place, leading a happy and healthy life.