Leo Gomez-Franqueira

Leo Gomez-Franqueira, a remarkable seven-year-old boy from Wimbledon, London, is astounding psychologists with his incredible abilities. With his unique talents and exceptional intelligence, Leo’s story is nothing short of astonishing.

Leo’s remarkable journey began at a very young age. His parents first noticed his extraordinary abilities when he started speaking at just three months old, saying “papa.” To their amazement, he sprouted his first tooth at the same age and was able to stand unaided by six months old. By eleven months, Leo had already mastered the alphabet and could identify flags from around the world.

Leo’s parents, Teresa and Inaki San Pedro, were quick to recognize his exceptional gifts. They decided to have him assessed by a psychologist when he turned two, and the results were mind-blowing. Leo’s IQ was higher than that of both Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, placing him in the top two percent of the population. At the tender age of two, Leo became the youngest member ever to join Mensa, the renowned high IQ society.

Leo with psychologist

Leo’s linguistic skills are equally exceptional. By age one, he could already communicate fluently in four different languages. Not only that, but he also excels in playing multiple instruments, including the cello. Leo’s parents understood the importance of evaluating his abilities early on, providing the necessary support and guidance for their gifted child.

Raising a gifted seven-year-old certainly comes with its own unique set of challenges. “The biggest thing is time,” says Teresa. “You constantly have to keep him engaged and entertained. My husband takes charge of Leo’s activities, ensuring he remains motivated and continually challenged.” Despite his intelligence, Leo cherishes his childhood moments and enjoys playing games and participating in sports like football, golf, tennis, and Kung-Fu.

While Leo’s extraordinary talents set him apart, his parents believe in nurturing his interests and happiness above all else. They hope he will find his true passion and work hard to achieve his dreams. “Being gifted and a hard worker, you will reach the stars,” Teresa says. Leo himself reveals his love for everything, including football, school, and playing games. When asked which character he would want to portray in a movie, Leo enthusiastically responds, “I would be Harry Potter!”

Leo’s journey serves as an inspiration to us all, showcasing the remarkable potential found within young minds. At The Mirror, we are committed to sharing positive news and celebrating extraordinary individuals like Leo. By highlighting stories of hope and showcasing movements and initiatives that bring about positive change, we can create a brighter and better world for everyone. #mirrormorehopeful