Have you ever wondered how celebrities manage to fit so much into their day? Well, Mark Wahlberg is taking the concept of productivity to a whole new level. The 47-year-old actor recently revealed his daily routine, and it’s nothing short of extraordinary.

Wahlberg’s day begins with an alarm at the eye-watering time of 2:30 am. Yes, you read that right. 2:30 am. While most of us are fast asleep, he is already up and ready to tackle the day. But why such an early start? It turns out, Wahlberg is committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally.

After waking up, the first thing on his agenda is a morning prayer, followed by a nutritious breakfast at 3:15 am. From there, he jumps right into an intense hour-and-a-half workout session. This dedicated routine helps him stay in shape and prepares him for his various roles in movies.

But the early wake-up call and intense workouts are just the beginning. After exercising, Wahlberg takes a shower, plays a round of golf, and has a few snacks to fuel his body. By this time, most people haven’t even started their day, but he’s already accomplished so much.

It’s no wonder his fitness and work ethic have earned him admiration from people like Piers Morgan, who got a firsthand look at Wahlberg’s routine. Piers recalled that even before the birds were awake, Wahlberg was already engaged in a rigorous workout.

During their meeting, Wahlberg revealed the extent of his dedication when filming. He often has his hotel room converted into a private gym, where he continues his intense workouts. His day starts at 2:30 am with an hour of hard exercise, followed by a two-hour basketball game. Afterward, he heads to the set, continuously staying active with 500 sit-ups throughout the day.

By 6 pm, when most people are winding down, Wahlberg still has more to accomplish. He returns to his hotel for a 45-minute boxing session before calling it a day. By 8 pm, he’s ready for bed, ensuring he gets enough rest to do it all over again the next day.

So, the next time you find yourself hitting the snooze button, remember Mark Wahlberg and his unwavering commitment to a healthy and productive lifestyle. While his routine may seem overwhelming, it’s a testament to the fact that we all have the same amount of hours in the day. It’s how we choose to use them that truly matters.