Former model Turia Pitt, aged 27 at the time, was participating in an ultra marathon in Australia six years ago when tragedy struck. She found herself trapped in a devastating bush fire, suffering severe burns on 64 percent of her body. The doctors weren’t optimistic about her chances of survival. But Turia’s story is far from over.

Turia’s boyfriend, Michael Hoskin, made a life-changing decision. He quit his job as a police officer to devote himself entirely to Turia’s care and well-being. Since the accident, Turia has undergone a staggering 200 surgeries and spent over two years in recovery. Despite losing seven fingers, her resilience and determination have been unwavering.

In a recent interview, Turia recounted the harrowing experience of being trapped in flames during a 100km event in remote Western Australia. The vivid images of her burned skin sticking to rocks and spinifex still haunt her. Yet, amidst the panic and pain, Turia found strength.

In 2015, Michael proposed to Turia with a diamond ring he had bought while she lay in intensive care four years prior. The couple later tied the knot in 2016, a testament to their unbreakable bond.

Turia’s recovery wasn’t easy. For two years, she had to wear a mask on her face to aid in the healing process. However, with Michael’s unwavering support and love, she began to rebuild her life. Turia’s gratitude towards him knows no bounds, as she cherishes every moment spent beside her loving partner.

“Going to sleep next to my partner was something I took for granted before. Now, I appreciate waking up next to this extraordinary man every day,” Turia passionately expressed to The Daily Mail.

Since the life-altering accident, Turia and Michael have relentlessly fought to move forward, refusing to let pity define their lives. Their resilience and strength shine through their actions and their commitment to each other.

However, there was still something missing in their lives – they dreamed of starting a family.

In 2017, Turia joyously shared on Instagram that she and Michael were expecting their first child. The news quickly spread across Australia, as the public had closely followed their remarkable journey.

Even during her pregnancy, Turia maintained her physical fitness, determined to stay in shape. Although running marathons had to wait, her spirit was stronger than ever.

Soon enough, their bundle of joy arrived!

Michael and Turia welcomed their son Hakavai on 7th December 2017, filling their lives with unimaginable joy and love. And, on 9th February 2020, they shared the incredible news of the birth of their second son, Rahiti Hoskin.

Today, the couple stands happily married, raising their children together and embracing life’s blessings.

This extraordinary journey of love and resilience serves as a powerful reminder that love truly conquers all. Michael and Turia’s story is a testament to the beautiful and enduring nature of love. Share their incredible story and bring hope and light to the lives of those around you.

Source: The Daily Mail