Ray had always thought that he had plenty of time left to live. But one unsuspecting night, everything changed. He found himself standing before the gates of heaven, face-to-face with St. Peter.

“You died in your sleep, Ray,” St. Peter said gently.

Ray couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “I’m dead? No, this can’t be! I have so much to live for. Please, send me back!”

St. Peter sighed. “I’m sorry, Ray, but there’s only one way for you to return. You’ll have to come back as a chicken.”

Ray’s heart sank. This was not the second chance he had imagined. Still, he pleaded with St. Peter to send him to a farm close to home. And just like that, his wish was granted. Ray found himself transformed into a chicken, feathers and all.

On his first day at the farm, a rooster approached Ray. “So, you’re the new hen, huh? How’s it going?”

Ray, still adjusting to his new reality, replied, “Not bad, but I have this strange feeling inside, like I’m going to explode.”

The rooster chuckled. “Don’t worry, Ray. That’s just ovulation. You’ve never laid an egg before, have you?”

Ray shook his head. “Never.”

The rooster reassured him, “Relax and let it happen. It’s no big deal.” And sure enough, a few uncomfortable moments later, Ray laid his very first egg. Overwhelmed with emotion, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of joy and fulfillment.

Soon, Ray laid another egg. The happiness he experienced as a mother was beyond words. But just as he was about to lay his third egg, Ray felt a sharp smack on the back of his head.

“Ray, wake up!” came a familiar voice. “You had an accident in bed!”

Reality came crashing back, and Ray realized it had all been a dream. Getting old certainly wasn’t what he had expected.

Life had thrown him an unexpected curveball, but he was still grateful for the chance to wake up and experience each new day. Cherishing every moment, Ray realized that life is full of surprises, even in old age. So he decided to share this story with his friends and family, reminding them to appreciate the unpredictable journey of life.