Should You Kiss Your Children on the Lips? A Debated Affectionate Gesture

The question of whether parents should kiss their children on the lips has been a topic of discussion worldwide, with varying opinions and debates. Today, we explore the perspective of renowned child psychologist Dr. Charlotte Reznick, who suggests that this form of affection can potentially confuse children and hinder their development.

Dr. Reznick, a former UCLA Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology and child and educational psychologist, believes that kissing children on the lips may lead them to associate kissing with romantic or sexual behavior. When children witness their parents engaging in lip kisses, they might question the meaning behind their own interactions.

Dr. Reznick shares an example of a 6-year-old girl who receives a kiss on the lips from her father. She explains that if the girl were to display her affection by kissing her peers innocently, she could unknowingly subject herself to being mislabeled as a “sexual harasser.”

However, not all professionals align with Dr. Reznick’s viewpoint. Psychologist Dr. Paul Hokemeyer argues that kissing children on the lips is a normal way for parents to express love. While he emphasizes the importance of maintaining boundaries with children, he sees no issue with this particular display of affection.

Even famous parents like Tom Brady and David Beckham have faced criticism for kissing their children on the lips. In a documentary about Brady’s life, viewers witnessed a moment where his 11-year-old son requested a kiss on the lips, resulting in a mixed response online. Some celebrated Brady’s warm affection, while others found it uncomfortable.

This debate is not limited to celebrity parents. Regular parents, such as Gabrielle Union and Kourtney Kardashian, have also encountered criticism for sharing lip kisses with their children. These parents argue that they understand their children best and consider it a personal decision.

While Dr. Reznick advises, “If I had to answer when to stop kissing your kids on the lips, it would be now,” she acknowledges that each parent must make their own choice. Ultimately, the decision should reflect what feels right for your own family.

What are your thoughts on this topic – adorable or tacky? Remember, it is for you to decide what resonates with your family values.