Johnny Cash's First Grandson Is a Talented Singer Who Sounds Just Like His Grandpa

Thomas Gabriel, the grandson of the legendary Johnny Cash, may not bear a striking resemblance to his famous grandfather, but when he opens his mouth to sing, it’s as if Cash himself is in the room. Gabriel’s singing voice is a hauntingly accurate reflection of his late grandfather’s voice.

Recently, Gabriel performed the classic tune Folsom Prison Blues, a song that Cash made famous. As he took the stage, with his black hat and tattoos peeking out from under his sleeves, it seemed like an ordinary karaoke night at a local bar. But as soon as Gabriel started singing, it became clear that something extraordinary was happening. His voice, identical to Cash’s, filled the room without any fanfare or pretension.

Listening to Gabriel, you might think it’s just a lip-sync act, but upon closer inspection, it’s evident that he is truly singing. He hasn’t simply imitated Cash’s iconic vocal sound, though. Gabriel is the real deal – he is Johnny Cash’s grandson.

Interestingly, when Gabriel was 21 years old, Cash recognized his talent for music and singing. However, he encouraged Gabriel to pursue a different career path and advised him to develop a backup plan. Cash was concerned that Gabriel might be led astray by the temptations and struggles that come with a career in music, having experienced them himself in his early days.

Following his grandfather’s advice, Gabriel chose a life in law enforcement instead of music. But fate had other plans for him. He eventually found himself battling addiction and facing legal troubles, spending a decade behind bars. It seemed like his musical dreams would remain just that – dreams.

However, in 2015, Gabriel’s life took a turn when he received a call from retired businessman Brian Oxley. Oxley had a deep fascination with Johnny Cash and had even purchased Cash’s former farm in Bon Aqua, Tennessee, turning it into an attraction. When Oxley discovered that Cash’s grandson was struggling, he reached out to him.

After a heartfelt conversation, Gabriel expressed his desire to return to music and shared his frustration with his songs languishing in prison. Oxley offered his support but on the condition that Gabriel sought help for his addiction and made efforts to rebuild his life. Gabriel agreed, and a year later, Oxley fulfilled his promise by assisting Gabriel in recording his first album.

Thomas Gabriel’s story is one of resilience, determination, and the power of familial talent. Listening to him sing is like experiencing Johnny Cash all over again. It’s a testament to the lasting impact and musical legacy of the Man in Black.

**Do you think Thomas Gabriel sounds a lot like his famous grandfather? Do you have any family members or friends who sound like a famous performer? What are your favorite Johnny Cash songs? Let us know and share this incredible cover with fellow Johnny Cash fans.