When you think of John Cena, you may picture him body-slamming opponents in the wrestling ring or starring in blockbuster movies. But did you know that he’s also been a wish-granter for the Make-A-Wish Foundation since 2004? This incredible man has been making dreams come true for kids who are seriously ill.

Cena’s dedication to granting wishes is unparalleled. In fact, he holds the record for granting the most wishes in the 42-year history of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Recently, he reached a milestone that left everyone in awe: he’s granted over 650 wishes! According to KTLA, Cena said, “I just drop everything. If I can offer a fantastic experience, I’ll be first in line to do my part.”

What makes Cena even more special is that the families and kids love him just as much as he loves helping them. Make-A-Wish has declared him as the most requested celebrity. Love flows in both directions, and that’s a beautiful thing!

When asked why he loves Make-A-Wish so much, Cena explained, “The reason I love Make-A-Wish so much is because those are those families’ wishes. You can do anything you want, and Make-A-Wish’s list is enormous. ‘I want to kick it with John Cena and go see him wrestle’—that’s the coolest thing I’ve ever heard.”

Cena’s impact doesn’t fade away after the wish is granted. Families often reach out to him, expressing how much it meant for their kids to spend time with him, sometimes even during their final days. Cena admitted that reading these messages can be difficult, but they hold a special place in his heart.

For Cena, this isn’t just about giving joy; he also receives immense joy and connection in return. “I love that joy, I love that connection,” he said. It’s a win-win situation where everyone’s hearts are a little fuller.

Let’s not forget about one of Cena’s recent visits. He made a dream come true for a 19-year-old fan with Down syndrome. This young man credited Cena with giving him the courage to escape Ukraine during the Russian invasion. They met in the Netherlands, and the entire family was overjoyed.

Cena has made it crystal clear that his charity work is his top priority. He declared, “If you ever need me for this ever, I don’t care what I’m doing, I will drop what I’m doing and be involved.” To him, giving back to people’s lives and creating those wonderful emotional moments is a gift in itself.

So there you have it, folks. John Cena isn’t just a superstar in the ring; he’s a superstar in the hearts of hundreds of kids and their families. His dedication, love, and genuine care have made a lasting impact on countless lives.