Did you know that animals can have a positive influence on young children? Studies have shown that growing up with pets, such as cats or dogs, teaches kids responsibility and kindness. Not only that, but children who have pets tend to be happier. But there is one special friendship that goes beyond the ordinary – the friendship between Joel and a giant manta ray.

Joel, a young boy, spends his time with fishermen in Valle Gran Rey, a village in the Canary Islands. In this village, the fishermen throw their bycatch into the harbor, attracting various sea creatures. And among all these unusual creatures, there is a giant manta ray that greets Joel every single day.

Joel and another boy have learned to attract their friend by putting their hands in the water and offering food. The most remarkable thing is that the manta ray recognizes Joel and allows him to pet it on the nose. It seems that the manta ray’s favorite treat is shrimps, which Joel diligently feeds it. Some kind fishermen who are aware of this unique bond make sure to leave a box full of shrimps for Joel to offer his friend.

Unlike stingrays, manta rays do not have a stinger, so they cannot harm or kill humans. This makes Joel’s interactions with the giant manta ray both safe and magical. Once the manta ray is full, it enjoys another gentle pet on its nose and head before slowly disappearing into the deep water.

The incredible bond between Joel and the manta ray was captured on tape, and the video quickly gained popularity on YouTube. It has been viewed more than 50 million times! People were amazed by the sight and expressed their admiration for Joel and his special friend. One viewer commented, “My faith in humanity is restored. These boys have good souls.” Another praised Joel’s respect for boundaries, saying, “It’s really amazing to see that the boy knows how to respect the manta ray and doesn’t go too far. The ray’s reaction was fantastic.”

While we often witness children bonding with animals, having a manta ray as a friend is truly extraordinary. Words can hardly do justice to this amazing friendship, so I encourage you to watch the video and see it for yourself! Share this heartwarming story with your family and friends on Facebook and let it inspire us all.

Joel and the Manta Ray