I woke up one morning and came across this photo on my phone. It captured a moment in the midst of my daily chaos. These are the trenches of parenthood, where exhaustion and challenges become the norm. But as tiring as it may be, there’s something beautiful and precious about this time.

My husband, bless his heart, had taken this picture. It was after he had already tended to our baby throughout the night – changing, nursing, and soothing our little one. Eventually, the baby found his way into our bed, snuggling up with us.

Normally, I shy away from sharing self-portraits that aren’t meticulously posed. And usually, I get annoyed at the person behind the camera. But this photo was different. It captured the raw and genuine moments that define this phase of life.

The past few weeks have been incredibly challenging. It’s easy to forget just how demanding a newborn can be. The physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion can be overwhelming, especially when you already have other children to care for. It feels like I’m always on the go, changing diapers, soothing cries, cleaning up spills, and constantly refueling with food breaks.

There’s no time for elaborate hairdos or putting on makeup. Lack of sleep shows on my puffy eyes and the bags underneath them. My clothes bear the stains of food or spit-up, and my hair is permanently pulled back into a messy, but practical, mother bun. This photo captures it all – the unglamorous reality of parenthood.

And yet, it is during these chaotic moments that I want to pause and reflect. This photo serves as a reminder that even in the thick of things, there’s beauty to be found. I want to remember these times because I know I’ll eventually miss them.

I’ll miss those sleepless nights, spent rocking and cuddling my newborns to sleep. I’ll miss feeling their tiny chests rise and fall as their little fingers grasp mine. The ability to comfort my children with just a hug and a peck on the forehead will be what I long for during those challenging moments.

Cleaning up their messes with soap and water will hold more sentimental value than the spilled milk they leave behind. Sharing a bed with my children may sometimes cause some discomfort in my neck and back, but I won’t miss those morning wake-ups with their precious faces right next to mine. The warmth of their morning hugs is something that will remain etched in my heart.

So, amidst the fatigue and frustrations, I want to be present and cherish every moment of this phase. Parenthood may be one of the toughest journeys, but it’s also the most rewarding. It’s a time that I don’t want to forget, no matter how overwhelming it can be.

And I want to encourage you, whether you’re a spouse or a special someone, to capture these moments as well. Remind each other to snap photos like this, and embrace the happiness they bring. Because these pictures, though not picture-perfect, hold the essence of a beautiful and genuine life.