At times, we all experience moments where we feel uncomfortable in our own skin and lack self-confidence. During such moments, we may wish to alter something about ourselves, usually our physical appearance. For instance, some may aspire to shed some weight, while others desire a new appearance or hairdo. We tend to yearn for self-improvement or change, but accomplishing these changes can often prove to be challenging.

For instance, we can take the example of Lizzie Velásquez, who lives with a rare genetic disorder that impacts her physical appearance and prevents her from gaining weight. This condition has the potential to affect her mental and emotional well-being. However, initially, it’s crucial to embrace ourselves as we are. If we genuinely require or want a transformation, then we must adopt a gradual and patient approach to achieve our goals healthily and sustainably. Lizzie Velásquez, too, decided to transform her life.

Let’s reflect on our 16-year-old selves. This age can prove to be incredibly challenging as it marks a period of significant change and heightened motivation. At 16, we tend to be more conscious of what others think of us, and their opinions can impact us visibly.

When Lizzie was 16 years old, she was labeled as “The Ugliest Woman in the World,” and a video with derogatory comments about her went viral. This experience would have been traumatic for anyone, irrespective of their age.

Despite facing such a hurtful reality, Lizzie Velásquez managed to rise above the hurtful words of those around her and pave her own path in life.

Lizzie Velásquez was born on March 13, 1989, in Austin, Texas. At birth, she weighed only 2 pounds and 11 ounces.

Lizzie was always a child who seemed much younger than her age. However, as a child, she didn’t perceive anything amiss with her body since she was busy enjoying her life. She had no idea that so many people were ridiculing her. Unfortunately, when Lizzie turned six years old, she began to notice that people were staring at her and laughing.

Initially, Lizzie kept quiet about what was happening to her at school. The other kids laughed at her, and no one wanted to be her friend, leaving her feeling alone and unhappy. Eventually, Lizzie realized that she needed to confide in her parents about how she felt.

When Lizzie told her parents what was happening, they were heartbroken. However, they reassured Lizzie that there was nothing wrong with her. They explained that she was just a little girl who was physically younger than the other children, but she was intelligent and capable of achieving whatever she wanted in life.

Lizzie Velásquez was diagnosed with two rare genetic conditions, Marfan syndrome and lipodystrophy, which affect various aspects of her health, including her heart, eyes, bones, and metabolism. These conditions prevent her from gaining weight due to abnormal fat distribution in her body and also cause her to age faster than other children.

Lizzie Velásquez was shocked and disheartened to realize that millions of people could judge a 16-year-old girl suffering from a severe illness solely based on her physical appearance. However, her strength and resilience allowed her to rise above the negativity and not let it affect her emotionally. Instead, she decided to prove to everyone that she could achieve whatever she wanted in life, regardless of her appearance or the opinions of others.

At the age of 23, Lizzie Velásquez earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication from Texas State University.

In 2013, Lizzie Velásquez was invited to give a TED Talk in Austin, which quickly went viral. During her talk, Lizzie shared her experiences of being laughed at since kindergarten and how, at one point, she believed that her physical appearance defined her. However, after seeing the hurtful video about herself, she realized that she did not have to let the negative opinions of others define her, but rather she could pursue her own dreams and define herself on her own terms. Through her talk, Lizzie demonstrated her incredible strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

It’s truly disheartening to hear that people are still finding ways to bully and mock Lizzie Velásquez despite all that she has been through. One example of this is a trend on TikTok where parents would FaceTime their children and tell them that Lizzie would be their next teacher, aiming to scare or make the children laugh at her. Lizzie was understandably hurt by this, but she bravely spoke out and urged parents to teach their children to respect others and not judge them based on their physical appearance. It’s important to remember that everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and empathy, regardless of how they look.