An 11-year-old child who was bitten by a rattlesnake while riding with his father on a mountain track is now out of the hospital.

An 11-year-old child who was bitten by a rattlesnake has been discharged from the hospital.

According to WFMZ-TV, Ethan Vogel was bitten last week after falling off his bike on a route near Golden, Colorado. Zach Vogel, Ethan’s father, was riding behind him as they pedaled through the North Table Mountain Trail in the early evening.

Ethan was apparently unharmed when he fell, but when he got to his feet, he discovered a rattlesnake and knew he had been bitten in the chest.

According to NBC, Zach recalled his son “hollering” in pain.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh,” his father said, according to the site.

a rattlesnake bit Ethan Vogel

Ethan received 16 doses of antivenom from Children’s Hospital Colorado’s pediatric intensive care unit after being transported there by quick-thinking first responders after being bitten by a snake.

Ethan is already recovering and plans to resume biking while maintaining a good outlook.

He is eager to leave again. Zach continued to the outlet, “I can’t wait to go outside again. He’s a tough boy and one tough cookie.

Ethan displayed his combat wound in a video interview with CBS Colorado that was uploaded to YouTube on Sunday. The swelling has decreased, so it’s not too bad, he remarked.

Ethan, according to his father, also discovered the need of always riding with a companion and the necessity of carrying a phone with him at all times in case of emergencies.

The terrifying occurrence was further detailed in a GoFundMe set up by the family’s friends to assist with Ethan’s medical needs. A statement on the fundraiser website stated, “Zach was with him and acted quickly, calling 911 and keeping Ethan calm until the paramedics arrived.”

According to reports, it was a prairie rattlesnake that measured about 30 inches long.

Ethan has been a fighter and is recuperating at home, but he still has a long road to recovery ahead of him, the article said.