When Kevin and Scott learn that their grandmother’s house is worth a considerable sum, they come up with a scheme to steal it. But neither of them anticipated Granny outwitting them.

Scott was shaken severely in the passenger seat of Kevin’s vehicle as it came to a halt in front of Grandma Rachel’s home, forcing him to brace himself against the dash.

Scott unlocked the door, “You need to stop driving like such a maniac.” “Why are you usually in a haste when we go to Granny on a weekly basis?”

Kevin answered, “We are now walking on a razor’s edge with all these debts since we have things to do, and I would not be surprised if tomorrow the investors demanded their money back.

Scott grabbed a bag of groceries from the truck bed and screamed, “Ha!” I warned you it was a mistake to acquire so much of that expensive rubberizing roof paint, Kev. It’s pretty difficult to offer a service to people when it costs more than they can afford.

Kevin pulled a bag of goods from the truck bed and said, “And I told you it’s about quality.” Let’s wrap this up quickly so we can resume our search for new clients.

Kevin approached Grandma’s front door with force. When the heavy wooden door banged open to find Granny arguing with a stranger, he was about to knock on it.

Now go off with yourself, son, take your fancy phrases and essential papers with you, Granny remarked.

The weird young man in the suit said, “You should take the time to ponder the offer, ma’am.

Granny saw Kevin at the door and grinned, “Thank you, but no thank you.”

Kevin, please be a good neighbor and tell this pushy young man to leave my land.

Kevin put his grocery bag down and pulled up his sleeves, saying, “Of course, Granny.” “Are you going to come the hard way, sir, or the easy way?”

The man in the suit sighed as he turned to face Kevin. This won’t be required, sir. May I just leave you my card, Mrs. Campbell?

Granny sighed and averted her eyes. The man quickly made his way to the gate after placing his card on the hall table.

Kevin saw the man leave and he questioned, “What was that about, Granny?”

Granny shook her head and said, “Some developers want to buy my house.” She motioned for Kevin to enter.

After chuckling, Kevin turned to face Scott, who had just joined them. What did they even give you for this ancient house, Granny? I never imagined anyone would be interested in it.

Around 350 thousand, said Granny.

Kevin followed Granny to the kitchen, looking over the buckled floorboards, rough wooden beams, and faded wallpaper, saying, “That can’t be right.” I don’t mean to offend you, Granny, but this house isn’t that valuable.

When she turned to face Kevin, Granny raised an eyebrow. You’ll have to retract such statements, son. Developers are interested in this location’s property because they want to create a posh house development there and are prepared to pay a high price for my tiny plot of land.

Kevin placed his bag of groceries on the kitchen counter and said, “That sounds like a great deal, Granny.”

Yes, Scott responded. Why not try to sell it to them?

Granny shook her head and huffed. “Come with me and I’ll show you that this house is worth far more than that pitiful amount.”

Scott and Kevin sped after Granny. The house was old and had been a long-time family residence. Scott and Kevin both had the same thought as Kevin as Granny was about to expose a family heirloom.

Granny pressed her palm against the stone mantlepiece and said, “See this?” She moved into the corridor, “Your great-great-grandfather built this mantle with his bare hands.” “That piece that was knocked out of that beam over there while your great-grandmother was giving birth in that bedroom?”

Kevin sighed and added, “That was from the time great-aunt Susie fought off a burglar. Grandma, we’ve heard all these tales before.

And you’ll hear them again, I’m sure. One day, I hope you’ll tell them to your kids, because that’s what makes this house so priceless, boys—not the land or the structure, but the love that went into making it and the memories that still exist inside.

Granny grinned as she inspected a large gap in a beam by the door with her fingertips. “You can’t put a price on the memories they made here, and the minor flaws that let us remember their stories; our family lives on in this house.

Scott advised Grandma, “You ought to be realistic about this.” “I understand that this location has sentimental value, but it also requires significant maintenance, and these people are willing—”

Grandma pointed at Scott and said, “Don’t you dare suggest I sell.” “Scott, I plan to spend the remainder of my days here, and that’s that. If the significance of our family’s ancestral home is so meaningless to the two of you, then you can sell it after I pass away from this world.”

Granny was as obstinate as she was nostalgic, and despite Kevin and Scott’s best efforts, she wouldn’t budge.

Granny went to sit in her rocking chair by the fireplace and said, “I’m sure you boys have the best intentions, but I won’t listen to another word of this, you hear me?” I won’t ever change my mind about this, I declare.

Scott ran his fingers through his hair, “As you wish, Granny.” But I wish you were a little more receptive to this.

Granny placed an unfinished knitting project on her lap and said, “Ain’t going to happen.” Now, boys, I really do appreciate the groceries, but this subject is grating on my nerves.

Scott said, “I can’t believe Granny is being so stupid about this,” as he and Kevin headed back to the car.

Kevin looked back at the home, “It’s more than foolishness, Scotty.” You are aware that money is the answer to all of our issues because it would pay off all of our bills and enable us to make investments in new endeavors, right?

Like that landscaping company you were describing to me?

Yes, but we won’t get a penny of that money unless Granny passes away shortly.

The two men entered the automobile together. They continued talking while Kevin struggled to get it to start.

“What do you recommend we do, Kev? I don’t think we can rely on inheriting the house any time soon.

Kevin smiled as his car roared to life, “I’ve been thinking about that.” “We’ll have to handle this ourselves, Scott, but I have a plan, and it doesn’t involve hurting anyone,” she said.

Scott and Kevin went to Granny for a family supper a week later. Pot roast and potatoes were on the table, and apple pie was on the menu for dessert.

As always, this is excellent, Kevin said. “Scott, don’t you think so?”

Scott murmured, “Uh, yeah.”

Kevin turned to face his brother across the table. He had a peculiar smile on his face and had scarcely touched his pot roast.

Granny asked as she stood up and walked around the table, placing her hand on Scott’s forehead. “You don’t look well, but you’re not warm.”

Scott got up from his chair and said, “I don’t feel well, either.” “I think I should go lie down for a while.”

However, Scott’s eyes rolled back in his head and he fell to the ground just before taking two steps.

Kevin raced inside to show them where his brother lay prone on the floor after waiting outside for the ambulance to come. “Over here, please hurry!” Kevin exclaimed.

The first paramedic questioned, “Has he at all regained consciousness.”

Granny replied, “No,” with a quaver in her voice.

Oh, someone help him; he’s just been lying there still all this time.

Kevin and Granny were urged to take a backseat while the paramedics began to work. Although it was challenging to observe exactly what they were doing to his brother, Kevin had faith that he was in capable hands. He embraced Granny and made an effort to tell her that everything would be alright.

The paramedic eventually stated, “Your brother’s condition is stable for the time being.” However, we’ll need to take him to the hospital.

Granny yelled at them, “Then get going!” “You need to go above and beyond for my grandson!”

As the paramedics put Scott on a stretcher and carried him outside to the ambulance, Kevin remained at Scott’s side. Together with Scott and the paramedic, Kevin got into the back.

The door banged shut, and Scott raised his head. “Is the coastline clear?”

Kevin slapped the paramedic’s shoulder and slipped him a hundred dollar cash, saying, “Everything worked perfectly.” “That’s a recommendation for a superb performance.”

The paramedic smiled and said, “Thank you, sir.” “Doing business with you has been wonderful.”

Scotty, you’ll need to stay in the hospital for a while, Kevin said to his brother. “I’ve arranged everything with the doctor so we can get the necessary letters from him,” the doctor said.

Scott smiled up at Kevin before settling back down on the stretcher. I have to admit that I had some reservations about this strategy, but so far it seems to be working out well, dude.

You shouldn’t have had any doubts about me, Kevin said. As the ambulance began to move away, he caught a glimpse of Granny standing at the front door, watching them.

Only for purposes of illustration | Source: Unsplash
Only for purposes of illustration | Source: Unsplash

A few hours later, Kevin visited Granny’s home once more. She was looking at a family portrait while seated in her rocking rocker when he entered. When Kevin sat down on the sofa across from her, she looked up.

Kevin handed Granny a folded page and said, “We need to talk, Granny. Scott’s situation is bad.” Kevin hung his head and said, “That’s the doctor’s diagnosis. As you can see, he’s advised a treatment plan, but it will be very expensive.” “Granny, I don’t know what to do.”

Granny shook her hands as she scanned the diagnosis, and Kevin stared through his eyelashes as she did so. When she raised her hand to cover her mouth, he knew she had reached the worst.

Grandma put the page down on her lap and glared at Kevin, “This is terrible news.” And I’m sorry to add to your anxiety at this time, but I must make a confession.

Kevin shifted his position on the couch. What’s going on, Granny? A confession?

Granny looked at Kevin and then to the flames, “I’m also sick, Kevin.” The physicians suggested that the only way for me to enhance my quality of life is through surgery, but they warned me that it would cost me all I own.

What Kevin had just heard was so unbelievable. His hands were over his face. It was simply too much of a coincidence that Granny was also ailing, and he suddenly felt as though he’d been tempting fate when he’d come up with his scheme to pretend Scott was ill.

He glanced up to her, “There’s got to be something we can do, Granny.”

Granny threw her hands up in the air. I wasn’t going to get the operation anyhow because I want to make sure you and your brother get some inheritance from me. After all, the three of us only have each other. “No, no. We need to concentrate on Scott.”

Kevin inhaled deeply. The truth of his own falsehood felt to be his only escape. He could tell Granny the truth right away and assist her in getting the operation she required, but that would mean abandoning his plan.

Kevin paused, still unsure of what to say. “Your health is important to me, Granny,” he said. I don’t want to let you go through pain, however…

She was however elderly. Kevin linked his fingers while clenching his jaw. Everyone had to pass away at some point, and she had lived a wonderful, long life.

Grandma, tell me how we can acquire the money for Scott’s therapy, and if that’s what you want, I’ll respect that.

Only for purposes of illustration | Source: Unsplash
Only for purposes of illustration | Source: Unsplash

Tears slid down Granny’s cheeks as she gazed up at the mantel and said, “Tomorrow, I’ll contact those developers and let them know I’ve decided to sell them the house.” “I hate to let this place go, but there is no other option.”

Kevin’s heart tightened as he observed Granny get out of the rocking chair and walk over to the weathered stones and old beams, running her hands over them and slipping her fingers between the grooves.

He may not want to do this. He could simply ask the doctor to draft a new letter claiming that Scott had miraculously recovered; he wouldn’t even have to admit to lying.

But then he recalled how much that unscrupulous doctor had cost him for the first letter, how much he still owed to all the other people who had taken part in his plan, and how much debt he had accrued for his business over the previous year.

The developers were prepared to pay $350,000 for this old mansion, which would pay off all of his obligations and guarantee his future. After all, Grandma’s choice to move into a nursing facility was not the worst one.

Kevin stood up to give her a hug, saying, “It’ll be alright, Granny.” You’ll see that everything will turn out for the best, even though I understand how much this area means to you.

Only for purposes of illustration | Source: Unsplash
Only for purposes of illustration | Source: Unsplash

Kevin returned to Grandma’s house two weeks later with a gloomy purpose. The past three days, his conscience had been nagging at him, but he had to carry out his plan.

Kevin entered Granny’s home by pushing open the front door. He yelled “Granny!” as he moved along the hallway. “I’ve got some news.”

At the sitting room’s entry, Granny showed up. “Is Scott here?”

Kevin gave a headshake. “No change there, not yet. I’m here because I found a great nursing home for you. They have nurses on staff, and I’ve made all the arrangements. They’re expecting you, and we need to leave right away.”

Granny’s shoulders rounded and she hung her head, “Oh.” So now that everything is resolved, I suppose it’s time for me to move on.

Kevin placed his hand on her shoulder and said, “Yes, Granny.” “I understand that this is a difficult time for you, but this nursing home will give you the care you require,”

Only for purposes of illustration | Source: Unsplash
Only for purposes of illustration | Source: Unsplash

Grandma went to her bedroom, saying, “Okay, Kevin. If you and Scott think it’s for the best, then I’ll go along with your plan.” “My attorney is putting together the paperwork for the house in accordance with your recommendations,”

Kevin smiled and slid his hand under Granny’s elbow, “So the ownership of the house will be transferred to me and Scott?”

Agnes nodded. You’re right, I gave it some thought: It would be preferable if you guys handled the sale to the developers.

“It’s really for the best, Granny. This has been a very emotional time for you, and I want to spare you the stress of dealing with paperwork and such.”

Having a stern expression, Granny nodded. Could you please go get the suitcases and my Grandpa’s old trunk from the cellar while I finish packing the essentials?

Of course, Granny, and don’t you worry about a thing. You’ll let me know if there’s anything specific you need. I’ll make sure all your priceless items are packed up and safely stored after we’re out of here.

Agnes nodded. She began to take her clothing out of the closet with tears in her eyes.

Kevin took Granny to her new residence. The least he could do given how wealthy Granny would make him was that. He awaited word from Granny’s attorney on the paperwork, but his patience quickly wore thin.

When he went to see his brother in the hospital, he told Scott, “The place is as good as ours anyhow.” “We may as well start carrying out our plan.”

Scott was tucked away in a maze of tubes and wires that were connected to loud equipment. The doctor had told Kevin that this would give Scott’s hospital visitors a sufficiently dramatic impression of his serious illness.

Scott sat up in his hospital bed and asked, “You’re saying I can get out of here?”

We have a lot of work to do, and everything is already set up, so hurry up, brother.

Scott yelled, “Finally!” and threw his bedclothes aside along with his false IV, various cables, and tubes that were attached to his body. “Let’s head over to the cash!”

The road in front of Grandma’s house was congested with an excavator, a dump truck, and a bulldozer. As they drove by and found a spot to park a short distance down the street, Kevin and Scott grinned at one another. Everything was coming together.

Scott questioned as they made their way back to the house, “Do you think we should ask them to save some of the beams and stones from the mantel? You know, for keepsakes for Grandma?”

Kevin stepped ahead of his brother to welcome the construction workers milling on the street. “Are you kidding? Don’t you know we can make even more money off this deal by selling that stuff? People pay for reclaimed wood and building rubble.”

Good morning, guys! I appreciate how promptly you all reacted to my call. When will the demolition begin?

The phrase “foreman” was written on the breast of a man wearing a luminous vest as he approached Kevin and said, “Soon as the place is unoccupied.” “You promised the home would be deserted,”

It is vacant, Kevin said.

The foreman pointed at the home and asked, “Then who is that?”

The man mowing the long-overgrown lawn in front of Granny’s old house caught Kevin’s attention. Kevin now observed three kids having fun at the base of the aging tree that provided shade for the porch.

Kevin declared, “I don’t know who these people are, but I’m getting rid of them right away.”

Kevin approached the man mowing the grass across the street. Kevin demanded to know what he was doing there when he shut off the lawn mower.

The man answered with a broad smile, “We reside here. Are you acquaintances with the nice old lady who used to own this house? She sold it to us for a pittance and the assurance that we would cherish the property.

You’re trespassing and illegally inhabiting our home, Kevin said, pointing at the man. “We’re her grandsons, and this place belongs to us.”

The man glanced toward the home, “Oh, I see now. Mrs. Rachel said you boys might come back here and be perplexed about her arrangements. She left a letter explaining everything.” “You wait here while I get it,” I said.

While he waited for the man to come back, Kevin rubbed at the wrinkles on his brow. He ignored Scott’s questions and continued to speak to his brother. He was unable to comprehend what was happening.

When the man came back, Kevin snatched the envelope he was holding out and immediately tore the letter out of the envelope. To read over his shoulder, Scott leaned over his side.

You have no idea how terrified I was when Scott passed out in my home, Scott and Kevin. I followed you because I was worried for his life and I couldn’t just watch as he was taken to the hospital.

I never would have believed the trickery I would find that day. When the two of you were celebrating the accomplishment of your plan, I overheard it from the corridor outside Scott’s room.

That day, you guys broke my heart and made me make a difficult decision. See, I had my own scheme in mind because I couldn’t think you would actually carry out this deceit.

My intention was to put your beliefs to the test and reveal the genuine character of your hearts. I told Kevin I was unwell because I wanted to see how far you would go for your greed and worldly demands.

I don’t think Kevin will admit to lying since I know you guys too well, but I was hoping he would after hearing this information. I was disappointed, though. Then I understood that neither of you had a chance. Both of you had accepted your lie as truth and made greed your ruler.

I thus sold my house to a young family who recognized its genuine worth. They even made a film of me explaining the history behind each blemish and flaw so they could save it for their children. What do you think of that? Strangers are more interested in our family history than you two.

Now, I want to thank you for setting up such a wonderful nursing home for me, but I’ve made my own arrangements because I really don’t need the additional care. However, I won’t share that knowledge with you since I don’t want to see any of you traitors ever again.

What can we take away from this narrative?

Greed simply causes misery and devastation. Kevin and Scott sacrificed any goodness they may have had in their souls in the quest of frivolous things, choosing greed over their grandmother’s happiness.
No untruth can be kept a secret indefinitely. No matter how well a liar hides their lies, the truth will always come out in the end.
Tell your friends about this experience. It might motivate them and make their day better.

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This essay was prepared by a professional writer and was motivated by real-world experiences of our readers. Any similarity to real names or places is coincidental only. All pictures are just for illustration. Tell us your tale; perhaps it will inspire someone else. You can send your story to info@amomama.com if you’d like to.