Gordon Ramsay, a renowned name in the culinary industry, is known for his passionate outbursts, but also for his unparalleled talent and experience as a chef. One of his career highlights includes visiting failing restaurants and identifying their flaws.

Throughout his career, Ramsay has encountered a wide variety of dishes, ranging from bouillabaisse to blancmange, quiche to quinoa. He has often been critical of the appearance of dishes prepared by amateurs. Now, he wants to share his experiences and warn viewers about a particular trait they should be wary of.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Ramsay shared three golden rules that help him determine if a restaurant is worth visiting. One rule is to be cautious of restaurants that throw around inflated boasts regarding their food. These boasts may include claims of being the “best in the world” or being “famous.” Ramsay believes these statements are often made without any concrete proof, raising doubts about the restaurant’s credibility.

Moreover, Ramsay shared a valuable tip on how to choose the best wine bottle at a reasonable price. He suggests asking for the “bin end” list, which consists of vintage wines that have had poor sales or bottles with scratched labels. By requesting the best-recommended bottle under $30, customers can enjoy an underrated drink without breaking the bank.

However, the most crucial advice from Ramsay in the interview is to avoid ordering anything from the specials board. Ramsay believes that specials should disappear as the evening progresses. If a board has ten dishes listed as specials, they are no longer “special.” In other words, most of the time, specials are just a ploy to charge a higher price for ordinary dishes.

Ramsay has also expressed his concerns about restaurants that offer a “soup of the day.” He advises customers to inquire about the soup from the previous day. If it’s the same soup, it’s likely that the restaurant has been serving the same “soup of the day” for an extended period.

Lastly, Ramsay shares a tip for those planning a romantic dinner. He suggests reserving a table for three people instead of two, as this can often result in a faster seating.

So, be cautious of inflated boasts, be smart with your wine selection, and think twice before ordering from the specials board. With these tips from Gordon Ramsay, you can ensure a more enjoyable dining experience.