As we go about our daily lives, it’s not uncommon to see people with tattoos of various sizes and designs. However, among them, you may also come across tattoos associated with gangs.

Gang activity is on the rise across America, not just in big cities, but even in our own towns. In order to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe, it is important to recognize the signs of a gang member and know how to avoid them. Gangs often use tattoos to display their membership and territorial influence.

Gang tattoos come in different forms and each carries its own significance. Understanding these tattoos can be an invaluable tool in ensuring our safety. Let’s take a look at some common gang tattoos that you should be aware of:

“14” or “88” Tattoo

These numbers represent the neo-Nazi Aryan Brotherhood. Individuals with this tattoo are associated with a large prison gang.

Spiderweb Tattoo

Usually found on the elbow, this tattoo is often seen on people who have spent a considerable amount of time in prison and have joined a gang for protection.

Teardrop Tattoo

The meaning of this tattoo can vary depending on the gang. In most cases, it signifies a murder committed on behalf of the gang.

“Three Dots” Tattoo

This tattoo symbolizes the “mi vida loca” (my crazy life) gang lifestyle. It indicates that the person is not affiliated with a particular gang.

Five-Dots Tattoo

More dangerous than the three-dots tattoo, the five-dots tattoo suggests that the person has served significant prison time.

“MS” Tattoo

Associated with the notorious MS-13 gang, founded by Salvadorian immigrants, this tattoo can be found on the bodies of its members. MS-13 members are known for randomly attacking innocent people.

Familiarizing yourself with gang tattoos can help ensure the safety of you and your family. If you come across any of these tattoos, it’s best to keep your distance. In recent times, movements such as “defund the police” have resulted in gangs gaining more power, while police departments struggle to combat the rising crime rates. Now more than ever, it is crucial to be aware of the signs of gang activity. Stay vigilant, as being alert can save lives.

Gangs are ruthless and aim to exert complete control over the lives of their members. Considering the risks involved, it’s best to steer clear of them altogether. By protecting ourselves, our loved ones, and maintaining a safe environment, we can ensure a better future for everyone.