Having to witness their 5-year-old son Garrett fight cancer for nine long months sapped Ryan and Emilie Matthias of all hope and resolve. Despite the fact that Garrett had to cope with something that no innocent youngster should ever have endure, he never once lost his fantastic sense of humor.

It’s interesting how people who have lived for such a short time but have experienced such a great deal may often have the deepest and most profound words to say about life.

Before he lost his fight with the incurable illness that required him to undergo numerous painful treatments, 5-year-old Garrett had to say something about the significant things we sometimes forget to love.

It is heartbreaking to witness a youngster suffering so much while being powerless to intervene. The only thing Garrett Matthias’ parents, Ryan and Emilie Matthias, could do was to stay by his side at all times, doing everything they could to make his final days as comfortable as they possibly could. They will remember him for his incredible personality and sense of humor, which he maintained even in the most trying circumstances.

The parents were devastated to learn that their son had terminal cancer. They had a few chats with young Garrett about death since they felt they had to let him know what was going on with him right away. They checked to see if he was terrified.

The ability to inspire everyone around him, including his parents, the nurses, and the physicians, was possessed by this incredibly brave young child, who never stopped grinning.

Even his own obituary, which many people found moving, was written by him. Before bidding a tearful farewell, this little angel sent from Heaven had something to say.

Garrett is my name. Robert Boofias
On my birthday, I’m five years old.
I am a Bulldog, and this is my address.
Blue is my favorite color, followed by Red, Black, Green, and Blue.
Batman, along with Thor, Iron Man, the Hulk, and Cyborg, is my favorite superhero.
I want to be a professional boxer when I grow up.

My favorite family members include my parents, my sister “Delcina” (Delphina), my grandparents Fredric and Cheryl Krueger and Daniel and Nita Matthias, as well as my cousins Grady, “that guy I took down that one time,” (Luke), and London Marie.

  • Those two people, you know, my uncles (Kristopfer Krueger and James Taylor); • My Auntie Janette and Stinky Uncle Andy; • Batman!

My sister, my blue rabbit, thrash metal, Legos, my daycare pals, Batman, and when they put me to sleep before they access my port are some of my favorite things to do.

“Things I detest: pants, filthy dumb cancer, needles when they access my port, monkey noses that smell like cherry farts, and pants…I enjoy that person who helped me construct Legos (Randy) and the mint monkey nose from Mayo Radiation.

“When I die, I’m going to transform into a gorilla and feces at Daddy!

“Burned or Buried: I want to be burned (just like when Thor’s mother passed away) and turned into a tree so I can live in it when I’m a gorilla.

Funerals are depressing. I want five bounce houses (since I’m five), Batman, and snow cones.

In accordance with Garrett’s final desires, Emilie and Ryan Matthias will host a Celebration of Life on Saturday, July 14 from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. at 2377 132nd Ct. in Van Meter, Iowa.

There will be fireworks and a symbolic Asgardian burial ceremony right after dusk.

Once Garrett’s parents figure out how the heck to turn his ashes into a tree and find a nature preserve, so his tree lives in a protected region, a private burial of his ashes will be held later.

The Little Al Foundation, The Pink Tractor Foundation, and the University of Iowa Dance Marathon are just a few of the numerous charities that aided Garrett along the journey. You may also donate directly to the family’s GoFundMe page.

“All of the doctors, nurses, child life specialists, musicians, art therapists, and volunteers who worked so hard to treat Garrett’s cancer have our sincere gratitude. Pediatric cancer is an unsightly, evil beast that leaves a path of ruin, and Garrett and so many other kids have to deal with this reality. Cancer kills, as it did for Garrett and many others before him. Those who are ‘fortunate’ enough to survive deal with lifelong, disabling side effects and ongoing relapse anxiety. Till there is a cure, we will battle so that no more children will be robbed of their childhood, no more siblings will lose their dearest friends, and no more parents will have to bury their infants.

“Garrett suffered through nine months of torment before succumbing to cancer. He never lost his sense of humor during that time and enjoyed making fun of the medical staff. He was always pulling practical jokes, including putting whoopie cushions under their garments and ‘hazing’ the interns and new staff doctors. Nothing surprised anyone about his reply to the alligator’s “see ya later”:

“Bye, bye, suckas! – The Great Garrett Underpants.

The bereaved parents must learn to cope with the death of their beloved son, but they will always remember him as a happy, hilarious, and extraordinary young man who made a difference in the lives of many.