On Friday, the president publicly acknowledged his seventh grandchild, Navy, a four-year-old girl fathered by his son Hunter with an Arkansas woman, Lunden Roberts.

Washington, D.C. President Joe Biden acknowledged his seventh granddaughter, a four-year-old girl, who was conceived in 2018 by his son Hunter and an Arkansas lady named Lunden Roberts, for the first time in public on Friday.

According to a statement from Biden, “our son Hunter and Navy’s mother, Lunden, are working together to foster a relationship that is in their daughter’s best interests, maintaining her privacy as much as is possible moving forward.” It was his first time recognizing the kid.

“This is not a political issue, it’s a family matter,” he declared. All of Jill and my grandchildren, including Navy, deserve the best.

After Roberts filed a child support lawsuit, Hunter Biden’s paternity was confirmed through DNA testing, and the two recently worked out any lingering child support issues. The president’s son described his meeting with Roberts in his memoir from 2021, claiming that it took place when he was suffering from a severe crack cocaine and alcohol addiction.

He wrote, “I have no memory of our encounter. “I had so little in common with anyone, that was all. Although I was a mess, I accepted responsibility for it.

The president has come under increasing fire from political foes and pundits for neglecting to recognize the grandchild. The president has made a devotion to family a fundamental aspect of his public persona. He was following his son’s lead while the legal proceedings were ongoing, according to a person with knowledge of the situation. The speaker requested anonymity in order to talk about personal issues.

People Magazine was the first to report on Biden’s statement.