We all have moments in life that we wish we could change. Regrets that linger and choices we wish we could undo. For Ethan ‘ModBoy’ Bramble, an Australian body fanatic with over 200 tattoos, his regrets are etched onto his skin for everyone to see.

Tattoos have always been a means of self-expression, but Ethan took it to the extreme. Starting as young as 11 years old, he stretched his ears, underwent extreme procedures like splitting his tongue, and even removed his belly button. However, it is his numerous tattoos that truly steal the show.

Ethan spent a staggering $60,000 AUD (approximately $39,000 USD) to cover his body in ink. Initially, the excitement was overwhelming, but over time, regrets started creeping in.

In a candid interview with LadBibleTV’s No Filter series, Ethan revealed his desire for a fresh start. He worries about the judgment he faces while performing everyday tasks, especially when taking his young daughter to school. Having tattoos covering his face poses challenges that he doesn’t want his daughter to experience at such a tender age. Reflecting on his decisions, he admits, “I wish that I had not gone as crazy as I did on my face.”

To turn his life around and create a better future for himself and his daughter, Ethan made the brave decision to undergo painful laser surgery treatments to remove some of his tattoos. It has been a year of enduring multiple procedures, but he remains determined to gradually clear his face over the next two years.

Ethan’s ultimate goal is to have a fresh canvas and transform his appearance. While he is content with his current look, he aims to reduce the impact of his face tattoos. He believes that this journey will alleviate the anxiety he has been experiencing.

What are your thoughts on Ethan’s transformation? We would love to hear your opinions in the comments section below!