When Rudolph “Rudy” Farias IV vanished in Houston, Texas, he was 17 years old.

Rudolph “Rudy” Farias, now age 25 and missing for more than eight years, has been located alive.

The Texas Center for the Missing reports that Farias, a teenager from Houston, Texas, went missing on March 6, 2015, but was located on Saturday.

The center tweeted, “After 8 long years, Rudy has been located safe. As Rudy heals in the hospital, kindly keep his family in your prayers.

According to Farias’ mother, who spoke to ABC13, her son was discovered unconscious and covered in wounds and bruises outside of a church. She also thinks he has been mistreated.

According to the outlet, Farias went missing while out with his dogs in March 2015. After the dogs were located, he was supposed to be missing, but he wasn’t.

According to NBC News, he was depressed at the time he vanished after losing his brother in a motorbike accident.

His brother was his best friend in the entire world, according to Brenda Paradise, a private investigator the Farias family hired in 2015, who spoke to NBC News. He has simply experienced far more than someone his age ever ought to.

It is unknown if Farias left on purpose or what caused him to vanish.