An inquest heard that the murderous mother who left her infant daughter to starve to death at home alone while she went on a nearly six-day birthday binge with friends was a heavy cannabis user.

Asiah Kudi, who was 20 months old, passed away when her mother Verphy Kudi left her home in a Brighton apartment alone while she went out to a party to celebrate becoming 18.

Between December 5 and December 11, 2019, Kudi traveled more than 150 miles to party with her friends in London, Coventry, and Solihull.

Asiah was found dead in her cot when she got back to the apartment five days, 21 hours, and 58 minutes later.

Kudi informed her friends and family that her daughter had been ill and had not gotten up for tea.

After her mother Verphy Kudi (right) left her home alone in a Brighton apartment while she went out to celebrate her daughter Asiah Kudi’s 18th birthday with friends, Asiah Kudi (left) passed away.
After her mother Verphy Kudi (right) left her home alone in a Brighton apartment while she went out to celebrate her daughter Asiah Kudi’s 18th birthday with friends, Asiah Kudi (left) passed away.
However, a post-mortem investigation later discovered Asiah had passed away in December 2019 as a result of dehydration, malnutrition, and the flu.

In August 2021, Kudi admitted one count of manslaughter at Lewes Crown Court and received a nine-year sentence.

At today’s inquest into Asiah’s death, it was revealed that Verphy, Asiah’s mother, had a challenging upbringing and had seen domestic abuse firsthand.

She was transferred to a children’s home in Norfolk after a series of incidents left her traumatized and suffering from PTSD.

Kudi was examined by Dr. Frank Farnham, a specialist forensic psychiatrist, who concluded that the adolescent had used cannabis to a “harmful” extent.

He claimed in a statement read out at the inquest that she used a Class B medication to “self-medicate” when she felt “anxious or depressed.”

He said that she used cannabis in a “harmful pattern,” which had an impact on her physical health.

According to Dr. Farnham, Kudi had symptoms of depersonalization and derealization, which cause people to feel cut off from both their own self and the world around them.

He claimed that she was also affected by dissociative behavior, which causes sufferers to lose track of time.

In August 2021, Kudi admitted one count of manslaughter at Lewes Crown Court and received a nine-year sentence.
In August 2021, Kudi admitted one count of manslaughter at Lewes Crown Court and received a nine-year sentence.
Asiah starved, became dehydrated, and contracted the flu, according to a post-mortem investigation and forensic tests. Neglect was listed as the reason for her death.
Asiah starved, became dehydrated, and contracted the flu, according to a post-mortem investigation and forensic tests. Neglect was listed as the reason for her death.
The young mother would go out with them to clubs or concerts in the month prior to Asiah’s untimely death, according to Kudi’s pals, who testified during the inquest.

Timeline of the tragedy: Mother consumed a lot of alcohol while her child starved to death.

Kudi left Brighton on December 5 and traveled to London, where she celebrated her 18th birthday with her partner.

She attended a concert on December 7 in London’s Elephant and Castle, staying out until four in the morning.

On December 9, she traveled 150 miles from Brighton to a birthday celebration in Coventry before heading back to London the following day.

She arrived back at her East Sussex home on December 11. When she entered at 3:38 PM, she found Asiah dead.

The inquest previously learned that social workers had concerns about her the days before her passing.

Concerns about Kudi’s ability to care for her 20-month-old daughter had arisen following a string of incidents at the supported housing complex Gochers Court in Brighton, where the two of them resided.

Social workers were notified by the unit’s staff after seeing CCTV footage of Kudi leaving her infant daughter at home alone.

Before going out to party with friends on October 11th, Kudi handed off her baby with Asia Batrane’s mother at around midnight.

Early in the morning, CCTV captured Kudi being carried by a male acquaintance back into her apartment as she was “clearly intoxicated and mostly unconscious.”

The following day, around noon, Ms. Batrane brought Asiah back to Kudi at Gocher Court.

Video evidence from October 17 indicated that Kudi was seen smoking outside the housing unit for 15 to 30 minutes at 3am.

Kudi’s social worker, Jakki Cahill, deemed both occurrences to be “concerning,” and as a result, she was prohibited from hosting guests for a week.

Additionally, steps were taken to refer the case to Front Door for Families, a group with a focus on child safety, but the reference was never completed.

Kudi allegedly had a pattern of lying about her location, including to her mother, Asia Batrane, as well as to social workers and employees at Gocher Court.

Verphy had, it turned out, left Asiah alone in the apartment at least a dozen times.

Kudi (left) allegedly had a pattern of lying about her whereabouts to her mother, Asia Batrane, as well as to social workers and employees at Gocher Court.
Kudi (left) allegedly had a pattern of lying about her whereabouts to her mother, Asia Batrane, as well as to social workers and employees at Gocher Court.
As the infant at home starves to death, the killer mother parties

Verphy gave birth to Asiah in March 2018 while still under the custody of social services and was 16 at the time.

On December 5, 2019, Asiah’s mother left her alone in her crib with no food or drink as she went out to celebrate turning 18.

Kudi was attempting to promote her own modeling career and sell concert tickets on social media the day her daughter passed away.

Asiah had been living alone for five days, twenty-one hours, and fifty-eight minutes when she returned, but she didn’t call 911 for over two hours.

At 6.06 p.m., she finally dialed 999 and informed the call taker that her daughter was “not waking up.”

She provided information to the paramedics. Asiah had slept all day after being given milk and Calpol, and she was left to do so.

Asiah was taken to the hospital where she was later confirmed dead after paramedics noted she exhibited symptoms of rigor mortis.

At least six more times, including once for two full days, occurred in the three months before to her death, according to testimony at the trial.

Asiah’s death could not have been expected, according to a safety review conducted by the Brighton and Hove safety Children Partnership last year. Staff members at Gocher Court thought Kudi was a capable and devoted father.

However, the independent report of the body offered 17 recommendations, one of which was to implement a system of daily inspections at YMCA Downslink.

It also suggested evaluating how risks are determined and routinely reviewing each young parent living in supportive housing.

The conclusion of the inquest into Asiah Kudi’s passing is anticipated this week.