It’s hard to believe that once upon a time, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were Hollywood’s favorite couple. Their divorce announcement left fans devastated, and now they find themselves in a nasty legal battle. What is this fight all about? Let’s find out.

A Beautiful Estate Turned Sour

At the heart of Pitt and Jolie’s legal battle is Miraval, their stunning estate in the south of France. Not only is it a magnificent property, but it also produces the successful Miraval wines. The couple purchased this estate in 2008, just before the birth of their twins, Knox and Vivienne. Miraval even served as their wedding venue in 2014, with Pitt gifting Jolie 10% of his stake in the property and wine-making ventures, making them equal owners.

From Love Letter to Legal Battle

Miraval was more than just a property to Pitt; it was his love letter to his wife and children. It provided them with a beautiful life away from the pressures of fame. But as their relationship soured, so did their fight over Miraval. When they went into business together, Jolie’s business manager suggested a doomsday clause – if they were to split, the other would buy out their share. But they rejected the idea, thinking it would never come to that.

A Painful Decision to Sell

In January 2021, a public email from Jolie to Pitt revealed her heartbreaking decision to sell Miraval. This decision might be connected to a distressing incident on a plane, where Pitt allegedly became intoxicated and behaved inappropriately towards their children. Jolie filed for divorce shortly after. In the email, she expressed her pain about leaving a place where they brought their twins home and where they got married. It marked the beginning of the end for their family.

The Complicated Business Deal

In February 2021, Pitt agreed to buy Jolie’s stake in Miraval for $54.5 million. However, their ongoing divorce proceedings complicated the business deal. Pitt asked Jolie to sign a non-disclosure agreement to prevent her from speaking about his personal conduct outside of court. Jolie saw this as an “unconscionable gag order.” Pitt argued that it was necessary to protect the value of the asset he was buying.

Retaliation and Lawsuits

In October 2021, Jolie sold her portion of shares in Miraval to the wine division of the Stoli group. This move was seen by Pitt as retaliation after he was granted joint custody of their children. A judge later removed from the case. In February 2022, Pitt filed a lawsuit against Jolie, her holding company, and the new owners of Miraval. The legal battle continues, with both sides claiming damages and improper conduct.

Brad’s Fight for Justice

Pitt’s amended complaint in June 2023 sought to reverse Jolie’s sale of her shares. Jolie’s representation responded by emphasizing that Pitt had “never publicly denied” certain allegations. Pitt’s attorney countered by saying he takes responsibility for his own actions and doesn’t want to be held accountable for things he didn’t do.

A Devastating Breakdown

Throughout all of this, it is important to remember that everyone involved is facing their own struggles. A source close to the family shares that Pitt’s breakdown on the plane was shocking because he is not an abusive person. What’s even more devastating is the ongoing alienation he experiences from his children.

This ongoing legal battle between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie has captivated the world. But let’s not forget that behind the legal jargon and courtroom drama are real people struggling with their emotions and the dissolution of their family.