Tessa Evans, the girl who was born without a nose, celebrates her 10th birthday with love and admiration from her family and people all over the world. She is one of less than 100 people in the world who have the same condition as her. Despite her unique challenge, Tessa’s mother describes her as having a “charming” attitude and “infallible courage.”

Tessa’s journey has been filled with strength and resilience. At the age of two, she became the first person to receive nasal implants, allowing her to live her life to the fullest. Tessa refuses to let her condition hinder her from pursuing her dreams and passions.

Tessa was born in Maghera, Ireland, and her condition, known as Bosma arhinia microphthalmia syndrome (BAMS), is extremely rare, with fewer than 100 recorded cases in medical history. The rarity of the disease makes it challenging to treat. While Tessa cannot smell or breathe through her nose, she can still cough, sneeze, and even catch a cold.

Her father, Nathan, recalls the first time Tessa sneezed, which initially seemed funny, but it provided a sense of normality. He explains that the sneeze actually originates from the chest, providing a small reminder of the everyday experiences most of us take for granted.

Tessa’s early life was challenging. She spent five weeks in intensive care and had surgery to add a tracheostomy tube to her mouth when she was less than two weeks old. This procedure allowed her to eat and sleep normally. At the age of two, Tessa became the first person to receive a cosmetic nasal implant to help restore her facial features. Her parents made the decision to have the surgery at a young age to avoid more invasive procedures in the future.

Grainne, Tessa’s mother, admits that the decision was difficult, as they believe Tessa is beautiful just the way she is. However, they saw it as an opportunity to gradually enhance her appearance over the years, while also normalizing her profile without major facial alterations.

The process of reconstructing Tessa’s nose has been a long one. When she turns 13, the final surgery will be completed, and a medical tattoo artist will add light and shade to create more defined contours and realistic nostrils.

Throughout the journey, Grainne stayed by her daughter’s side, providing unwavering support and comfort. She describes it as a stressful experience, as she had never spent a night apart from Tessa. However, knowing that she was just a phone call away gave her solace, and she made sure to be there every step of the way.

Despite the challenges and setbacks, Tessa remains strong and happy. She eagerly looks forward to her new nose, which will bring her immense joy. She acknowledges that her condition prevents her from experiencing certain smells, but she finds joy in not being able to smell unpleasant odors.

Tessa’s energy and zest for life continue to inspire those around her. Grainne is amazed by her daughter’s courage and love for life. When Tessa saw her new nose for the first time in London, she beamed with joy and expressed her love for her new appearance.

Tessa’s story has touched the hearts of many, and people from all over the world have expressed their admiration for her. Despite her face being different, people find her exceptionally beautiful and commend her intelligence and character.

Let’s share Tessa’s inspiring story with our friends and spread awareness about her incredible journey!