For most kids, bath time is all about having fun with toys. But one mother’s devastating experience serves as a cautionary tale for all parents. After her little son, Baylor, suffered a terrible accident that put his eyesight at risk, Eden Strong from Illinois is warning others about the hidden dangers of bath toys.

It all started when Eden noticed that Baylor’s eye was inflamed while giving him a bath. She initially thought it was just water in his eye, but things took a turn for the worse. Baylor’s eye became infected and started protruding from his face, causing him to run a high fever.

In a heartfelt Facebook post that quickly went viral, Eden shared her ordeal: “I cried the entire drive to a larger hospital, praying that he wouldn’t lose his eye. The next week was pretty scary. He had severe cellulitis that eventually spread down his face and to both eyes.”

The cause of Baylor’s horrific eye injury was a squirting bath toy. As Eden later discovered, these types of toys can harbor bacteria that are difficult to eliminate because the water inside is not fully expelled.

Eden’s Facebook post garnered attention from concerned parents all over the world, with 192,000 people sharing her story. Many shared their own pictures of children who had experienced similar issues. It’s clear that this is an issue that needs to be addressed by manufacturers.

In the hope of protecting others from such a frightening experience, Eden decided to throw away all of Baylor’s squeezable toys. She wants parents to understand that, although these toys may seem cute, fun, and cheap, the potential risks outweigh the benefits.

Eden also mentioned that Baylor’s constant touching of his infected eyes made the illness worse and spread to both eyes. It was a difficult habit to break, but thankfully, with proper medical care and time, Baylor’s eyes healed without any lasting damage to his vision.

Reflecting on the incident, Eden emphasizes that it’s important to be vigilant when it comes to choosing bath toys for children. She hopes that her story will serve as a warning to manufacturers to prioritize safety and hygiene when producing these toys.

What this family went through was truly frightening, but thankfully, Baylor has made a full recovery. Please help us spread the word and share this story with other parents, so they can avoid going through the same heartbreak.