It’s never too late for true love, as demonstrated by one couple’s popular TikTok proposal.

Dermatologist Dr. Thomas McMeekin, who practices in Tampa, recently reconnected with Nancy Gambell, his high school sweetheart, after they learned they were both 78 and preparing to attend their 60-year high school reunion in California.

In Quincy, California, where they both attended high school, McMeekin told Fox affiliate WTVT-TV that they had “admired each other from a distance” but that he “never thought I had a chance with her.”

The two went on a few dates, but in the end, they married different individuals. Over the years, they occasionally crossed paths, but a love connection was never possible. Gambell told ABC affiliate WFTS-TV, “We’ve had lives, jobs, professions, children, husbands, and adventures.

According to WTVT-TV, things started to shift a few weeks ago when Gambell contacted McMeekin to say that she would be attending their 60th high school reunion in August and was looking forward to seeing him there.

“After that, we dialed. Every day, we spoke for hours on end. We fell in love again between June 10 and the present, McMeekin said to TODAY.

It only took a few weeks for McMeekin to be prepared to advance their burgeoning romance. We were destined to be together, so I sent you tickets to come see me, McMeekin stated to WFTS-TV.

Gambell received an invitation to his home in Florida, and he stunned her there with a marriage proposal.

“I was impatient. I shocked her. She arrived at the airport and had no idea what was going on,” he recalled in an interview with TODAY. One of his coworkers had recorded the heartwarming event and uploaded it to TikTok, where it quickly gained popularity.

McMeekin continued, “I got on my knees and read my proposal. “We are both in tears. Following that, I asked, “Will you marry me?” And she responded, “Yes.

Gambell admitted to being stunned when it occurred but that she had wanted to experience a love like theirs in her lifetime in an interview with TODAY. “I did want something like this to happen,” she admitted. “Expecting to find this kind of love anytime is kind of hard to imagine, but especially in these last few chapters that we have,” she continued.

To WFTS-TV, McMeekin expressed the same opinions. “To find it again at my age at this point in our life is just incredible, so have hope,” he admonished. There is a possibility.

According to the site, he intends to go to California to be with Gambell, and the two will get married in October at the bride’s house.