The driver responded to the young woman’s honking by launching a savage assault on her.

Authorities have made public a computer-generated depiction of an individual thought to be connected to a “brutal” incident of road rage.

A 25-year-old woman from Melbourne suffered severe injuries when she honked her horn at a Volkswagen driver who recklessly overtook her on Oravel Street in Balwyn North at approximately 6:30 pm on April 26. In response, the driver repeatedly slammed on the brakes in front of her vehicle.

Despite already relying on crutches due to a broken leg, the woman decided to pull over on Arama Street. The Volkswagen driver also halted their vehicle at the same location.

According to the police, the driver approached the woman’s car and began hurling verbal abuse at her while she remained seated inside.

After ensuring that the man had gone back to his car, the young woman cautiously stepped out of her vehicle. Unfortunately, the assailant swiftly reappeared and launched a forceful punch to her face, causing her to collapse to the ground.

Recounting the incident to the authorities, she stated, “He struck me with such force that I fell down and hit the back of my head.” Subsequently, the man mercilessly continued to strike her head and face with repetitive punches, all while taunting her as she struggled to crawl away from the assault.

With a tremor in her voice, the woman shared the harrowing details of the attack. “He struck my face repeatedly, relentlessly, while uttering the chilling words, ‘This is what you deserve’,” she recounted.

Overwhelmed with fear, she feared for her life, believing that the assailant intended to end it. “I thought he was going to kill me. That’s all that occupied my thoughts… I thought I was going to die, that he was going to take my life away,” she revealed.

Following the brutal assault, the young woman was left injured and bleeding on the roadside as the perpetrator fled the scene. Emergency responders swiftly transported her to the hospital, where she received treatment for facial injuries, including a broken nose.

Acting Sergeant Gary Tivendale expressed his shock at the severity of the road rage attack, describing it as one of the most appalling cases he had encountered. “This is an exceptionally brutal assault,” he commented. The perpetrator, who was driving the Volkswagen, was last observed heading north on Arama Street before turning east onto Wandeen Street.

Authorities have provided a description of the suspect, identifying him as having a southern European appearance, short black hair, and being in his early 20s with a height of approximately 175cm. In an effort to aid the investigation, the police have released a computer-generated image of a man they believe could be connected to the assault. They urge anyone with relevant information to come forward and assist with their inquiries by contacting the police.