At the dinner table, the husband makes fun of the wife’s chest, but she gets back at him brilliantly…

This tale probably caught your attention before, but we felt compelled to share it with you again because it is so excellent.

A mother, father, son, and daughter are all seated at the dinner table as the narrative opens. The father begins discussing women’s chests with his kid after being questioned about it, saying that there are several kinds of breasts available. To gauge his wife’s reaction, he chooses to slightly alter his response as he continues. But when the mother made the decision to respond, she ends up winning.

The son inquires, “Dad, how many different kinds of breasts are there?”

Even though the inquiry surprises the father, he responds, “Well, son, there are three kinds of breasts. A woman’s breasts are firm and round like melons when she is in her twenties. They are like pears in their thirties or forties; still lovely but hanging a little. When they reach 50, they resemble onions.

The son exclaims, “Onions?” “Yes, you see them, and they make you cry,” the father said.

The daughter questions her mum about the different kinds of wilies out there after being shocked by her dad’s response.

Photo: Flickr/enjazzygeek
The mother responds, grinning broadly, “Well sweetheart, a man goes through three periods. His willy is as strong and firm as an oak tree in his twenties. It is a birch in his thirties and forties, flexible but dependable. And fifty years later, it resembles a Christmas tree.

The girl, perplexed, questioned, “A Christmas tree?”

Yes, dead from the root up; the balls are mainly for ornamentation.

Naturally, the father remained mute. What a sweet retaliation.